Upcoming: WikiWednesday Stuttgart

Bis Ende 2010 geht es noch – die <a href="https://wave cialis 5mg tadalafil.google.com/wave/waveref/googlewave.com/w+NIVxa9rMA “>Organisation mittels Wave (das eingebettete Doodle können wir auch an anderen Stellen verwenden) des WikiWednesday Stuttgart. Aber wenn man den Nachrichten glauben kann werden wir auch danach eine “out of the box” Lösung haben …

In der Wave und im Blog hat es sich ja bereits angedeutet – der nächste WikiWednesday wird bereits am 15.09.2010 im CoWorking Space Stuttgart sein – als Abschluß des Thementages Wissensmanagement in der CoWorking-Woche. Meine Ideen wie der Tag aussehen könnte folgen gleich in einem zweiten Posting, in jedem Fall wird es aber so sein dass wir mit dem Thema “Wissensmanagement mit Wikis” gegen 19:00 beginnen werden, incl. Sesssions, Kurzvorträgen und späterem Socializing.

Google axes Wave – I am feeling not lucky

This is definitely not a good start into my day (and soon to be days off) – Google forecloses Google Wave:

But despite these wins, and numerous loyal fans, Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked. We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology for use in other Google projects. The central parts of the code, as well as the protocols that have driven many of Wave’s innovations, like drag-and-drop and character-by-character live typing, are already available as open source, so customers and partners can continue the innovation we began. In addition, we will work on tools so that users can easily “liberate” their content from Wave.

As I have commented on buzz I think that this is a mistake, partly because it alienates the people that have pushed, used and built upon Wave for a long time. On the other hand there are probably some good reasons for this move – even when I doubt that the limited number of users is a real and substantial one. My best bet on reasons is that they have a pushy need for the ex-Wave developer brainpower in other projects and products. Takers? I might put up a Google T-Shirt as prize (Large, black, “I am feeling lucky” print on the back) …

Workshop Day at #e2conf

It’s the first day at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston and the place is buzzing (alas, only literally). I am in the Blackbelt Practitioners Workshop, designed and held by members of the 20 Adoption council, agenda is like this:

Planning and executing a comprehensive Enterprise 2.0 program requires an honest assessment of your organization and strong strategic planning. In this full-day workshop meet the vanguard of those who are currently engaged in implementing Enterprise 2.0 within large organizations. Learn firsthand from practitioners who have tackled adoption, architecture, change management, community management, education, governance, and the realities of living an Enterprise 2.0 transformative experience.

Besides a lot of Twitter updates some action is happening in the designated wave for the workshop, so far it’s restricted to the participants for writing (and they really should do this more, it’s basically me doing the typing …) but anonymous read-only access should work out too:

Upcoming: BarCamp Bodensee 2010

Well, buzzing a lot prevents me from blogging more – sad truths of an ever evolving digital smarter work knowledge worker’s lifestyle. But then again, other than with Google buzz (and this movie we all know and love) the first rule of BarCamp is “You talk about BarCamp”.

And the http://barcampbodensee.mixxt.eu/ this weekend is something we better talk about – an international event, attracting people from France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark et al.

Denmark? Yes, I am happy that Kim Bach is making the trip from Copenhagen. I met him last year at reboot – another international event drawing geeks in literally droves – and we had the great time that’s facilitated by an athmosphere of kindness to strangers and intellectual curiosity. Yes, my reboot experiences are fueled by both the shared understanding and the sparkling contrarian discussions – it’s a very special climate and I am sad that this year will be a year of breath-taking and pausing (there’s a substitute for those that can’t live without their yearly rebooting fix experience). And for crying out loud I can’t even make it to the Ersatz because I’ve got a major event lined up. More on that later.

For now, let’s blog about the proposed sessions at #bcbs10, there’s some interesting stuff in there, my selection:

You see, I am cheating a bit about the interesting proposed sessions, but I really do hope that we can do some collaborative, live-documenting the BarCamp in Wave this year:

Yes, that’s the second rule of BarCamp: You blog wave about BarCamp …

Upcoming: WikiWednesday Stuttgart am 26. Mai 2010

Update: Rescheduled to May 26, see the Wave for location and more

How to use Google Wave when organizing events …

… put to practice for the next WikiWednesday Stuttgart:

Ideen und Anregungen am besten direkt in die Wave eintragen …

Viewing public waves without a wave account

Via the Googlewave development blog, we now can get “anonymous, read-only access to public waves” and embed them in our blogs – collaborative editing wonderland (liveblogging on steroids, huh?) or free lunch invitation to a new breed of spammers? We’ll see …