Social Software as Change Management infrastructure

The department of organizational design and behavior at the University of Stuttgart, Germany is currently conducting an online survey on “New Media in Change Management”.

New media like weblogs, internet-communities, wikis and web based trainings are not only fundamentally influencing operational business and communication structures within and between companies, but also strategic processes like innovation and time based competition. The question is if and how successfully these new media are able to support change projects. We want to analyze this “beyond hypes and fads” by an online expert survey.

I am sure that readers of this blog can answer these questions from a very knowledgeable position – at least, change management has been a recurring theme in this blog like here (and there as well) for long.

So if you have an understanding of the application and the potentials of social software in change processes, please take the time to answer the online questionnaire – it’s open until January 15th 2008.

Feel free to distribute the above link to your colleagues – and encourage them to take part in this survey.

2 Responses to “Social Software as Change Management infrastructure”

  1. […] first link I would want to share with you is one that Martin Koser blogged about a few weeks back and which we are still right on time to help contribute into the overall effort. Check out Social […]

  2. […] change catalyst – yes, the way I see it is that social software is both a driver and an enabler (or infrastructure) of organizational […]

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