Smiling for Berlinblase

Die BerlinWebWeek steht bevor und nachdem mich dotdean am BarCamp Munich mit einer der moo-Cards versorgte steht meinem Beitrag nichts mehr im Weg. Also das Motto ist “Smile for Berlinblase“:

In der Bubble werden u.a. Twitter Accounts, Termine, Hashtags etc. gesammelt – also alles rund um die WebWeek. Hilfreich bspw. wenn man sich orientieren möchte. Ebenso wird alles was mit #berlinblase getaggt wird getrackt und erfasst.

Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

Web 2 Expo Europe – checking out the speakers

Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

The Expo team are busy filling in the voids and TBDs, time to see what we’ve got already and hey, it’s impressive. It aims at an European crowd, bringing in people from all over Europe and even outright local content like Markus Beckedahl from Berlin’s newthinking communications and well-known german blogger at netzpolitik.

Stowe BoydIn my program some prominent people are featured, like e.g. Stowe Boydfrom /Message, short bio at the Expo site:

[…] I am obsessed with social tools, and their impact on business, media, and society. I coined the term “social tools” in 1999, the same year I started blogging, and I haven’t looked back since. Writing and working with clients takes most of my time, but I also speak at various events, such as Reboot, Lift, Shift, Mesh, Enterprise 2.0, Office 2.0, Under The Radar, Next08, and Web 2.0 Expo, to name only a few.

Yes, it’s a pleasure to listen and talk to Stowe, last time I’ve seen him at Reboot. Same goes for this guy:

Lee BryantLee Bryant from London-based Headshift, a “30-person enterprise social computing consultancy that has pioneered the deployment of social tools inside the firewall. We do equal amounts of strategy consulting, integration and development and also engagement work.”

Sounds like a competitor, huh? Well, yes, but he’s an all too nice chap and it’s all about cooperation and collaboration in an emerging market …

Bruno  Figueiredo

Then it’s Bruno Figueiredo of Portugal’s Ideias & Imagens, Lda. who is going to talk about Designing for Flow – I don’t know him yet so here’s the bio:

Bruno Figueiredo is a Senior User Experience Designer, working within its two consultancies, one in London and one in Lisbon. He is the current president of the Portuguese Usability Professionals Association and the Local Ambassador in Lisbon for the User Experience Network. He is one of the founders of both the Lisbon and London groups and he also coordinates the Practice Guide workgroup within the Interaction Design Association. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and has published a series of articles and a book on the subject. He is also one of the organizers of the SHiFT international tech conference in Lisbon.

I haven’t included James Governor aka monkchips in my program yet, as his topic Electricity is the New Internet sounds a bit weird to me. We’ll see. For sure he’s got the best short bio of all:

[…] I live and work in London with my wife and son. I travel too much. I could live in a mud hut and only eat raw vegetables and still have the carbon footprint of a small town.

Dion Hinchcliffe

Speaking of people that aren’t on my personal program right now but that are important anyway – Dion Hinchcliffe sure fits the mold.

Yet I guess that his talk on Building Successful Next Generation Web 2.0 Applications isn’t exactly what consultant types like me can understand and value ;*)

JP Rangaswami

JP Rangaswami of British Telecom Design (“Web 2.0 vs. the Water Cooler: How Web 2.0 Has Changed the Way We Communicate at Work“). Seen him lately at the Enterprise 2.0 Forum at Cologne. See why he’s on my list:

JP Rangaswami is the Managing Director, Service Design for BT Design – BT Group’s IT design and delivery business. It has total responsibility for designing, building and implementing the IT and business processes, systems, networks (non-Openreach) and technologies. JP is responsible for group operations as well as enterprise management platforms and web technologies. He has extensive international experience and is passionate about delivering outstanding end-to-end customer experience. He has a record for innovation and collaboration that underpins his customer-focused delivery of major global programmes.

JP joined BT from Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein where he served as Global CIO demonstrating recognised market leadership in the use of innovative tools and techniques. He is a compelling advocate for community-based “opensource” development methods and practices.

His blog is here: (Confused of Calcutta) …

Suw Charman-Anderson

Next up is Suw who I’ve seen as well at the Enterprise 2.0 Forum in Cologne (blogged about her talk here, video at enterprise2open). Bio:

Suw Charman-Anderson of Strange Attractor is a leading social software expert, specialising in the use of blogs and wikis in business. She works with companies around the world, from sectors as diverse as technology, finance and public relations, to help them understand how social software can be used both behind the firewall and for customer communications. […] She recently co-founded Fruitful Seminars & Events, covering Web 2.0 subjects, with Lloyd Davis and Leisa Reichelt.

Luis Suarez Finally, closing the short list with Luis Suarez of IBM who’s going to Think Outside the Inbox – shortened bio from the Expo site:

Luis Suarez has been working in IBM for over 11 years as a Knowledge Manager and Community Builder and the last five of those years he has been working as well as a Social Computing Evangelist helping various different business units with their rampant adoption of social software within the corporate firewall and beyond.

[…] maintains three different blogs, one internal and two external (, where he gets to talk about Knowledge Sharing, Collaboration, Communities and Social Computing […]

My personal program for Web 2 Expo Berlin …

As with last year it’s a good idea to plan ahead for leveraging the Expo effect. So here’s my perpetual beta version of my planned workshops, talks and tracks. A much more elaborate version can be done by using the crowdvine calendar thing which allows for easy .ics-export too.

On Tuesday I am planning for the workshops by Leisa Reichelt, i.e. find me in Collaboration Techniques that Really Work – Productivity, Creativity and Consensus and Improving Your Site’s Usability – What Users Really Want.

Wednesday, first day of conference I will be in Better Media Plumbing for the Social Web by Stowe, Checking the “Feel” of Your UI with an Interaction Audit by Josh Damon Williams and Peter Stahl and probably in IBM: Web 2.0 Goes to Work by Gina Poole

Then from 2:15 pm to 3 pm it’s Leisa Reichelt, Suw Charman-Anderson and Ben Hammersley on the slate talking about TBD ;*)

Later that afternoon it’s Changing the World for the Better Using Web 2.0 by Alberto Nardelli, followed by Designing for Flow by Bruno Figueiredo

    Thursday, it’s at least Thinking Outside the Inbox (again!) by my friend Luis Suarez, then Web 2.0 vs. the Water Cooler: How Web 2.0 Has Changed the Way We Collaborate by JP Rangaswami. But I need to drop by the Lunch 2.0 as well.

    I will most likely jot down some notes on the actual talks in advance, come time. Said perpetual beta, didn’t I?

    Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

    Upcoming part 1: Web2Expo Berlin

    Im Vorfeld der Web 2.0 Expo Europe in Berlin werden viele verschiedene Interviews mit den Protagonisten der Konferenz geführt. Speziell auf der Web 2.0 Expo in New York hat Ulrike zuletzt ein Interview mit Jen Pahlka vom Co-Konferenzorganisator Techweb geführt. U.a. wurde diskutiert, warum es dieses Jahr wieder nach Berlin geht.

    Video ist courtesy of Johannes (mit dem ich mich interessanterweise beim BarCamp Stuttgart darüber unterhalten habe), und der zusammen mit den anderen Bloggern der Berlinblase die Expo wieder unter die Lupe nehmen wird. Einig waren wir uns jedenfalls, dass O’Reilly und Techweb ernsthaft und glaubwürdig an diesen neuen Anlauf gehen und wir daher mit einer guten Grundstimmung an die Sache gehen sollten. Er schreibt:

    Insgesamt kommt klar das Gefühl rüber, dass die Kritikpunkte vom letzten Jahr mehr als deutlich gehört wurde und man alles dran gesetzt hat, es dieses Jahr besser zu machen.

    Video thumbnail. Click to play

    Click To Play

    Ein weiteres Video hat Andrea bereits vor ein paar Tagen gepostet- ein Interview mit zwei der drei Initiatorinnen des Expo Bloggerprogramms, in dem die Motivation für O’Reilly und Techweb für diese Initiative deutlich wird. Ich spare mir mein Disclosure, das habe ich bereits transparent gemacht.

    Um nun die Masse an Vorträgen, Workshops, Keynotes etc. zu organisieren bietet es sich zum einen an ein persönliches Programm zusammenzustellen, zudem sollte man das konferenzeigene Social Network (auf Basis von Crowdvine) nutzen. Anders als letztes Jahr ist es dieses Mal rechtzeitig am Start. Und um sich in der Vielzahl der Besucher zu finden bietet es sich einfach an – neben der Benutzung der üblichen Verdächtigen wie Twitter und Co. – dieses spezialisierte Social Network zu benutzen. Auch wenn ich ja ungern dutzende von Freunde, Bekannten und Kollegen von Hand dazufüge, ist es zumindest eine gute Eigenschaft von Crowdvine, dass die Beziehungen in friend, fan und “want to meet” differenziert werden können.

    Nun ja, wer nun  noch Lust auf eine intensive Berlin Web Week verspürt kann sich mit meinem Promo-Code immerhin 35% Nachlass verschaffen. Bei der Registrierung also den Code webeu08gr17 eingeben …

    Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

    Web2Expo as rambling ecology

    Yes, the Expo conferences are a buzzing, hot-spot of interesting ideas and people – some would call it mildly chaotic – but Judy Breck puts the Chaos (with a capital C) in perspective. As she introduces the New York City Web 2.0 Expo she writes

    […] the subject matter tracks of the show  […] are something of a jumble: landscape & strategy, design & user experience, development, media & marketing, finance, performance & scaling. The these tracks are all over the place. What is their umbrella theme?

    then underlies it with a quote from Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organization, pp. 67-68:

    Because social effects lag behind technological ones by decades, real revolutions don’t involve an orderly transition from point A to point B. Rather, they go through a long period of chaos and only then reach B. In that chaotic period, the old systems get broken long before the new ones become stable.

    and concludes that this rumble jumble agenda is just perfectly normal:

    […] at the expo we can begin [to] experience the interrelationships of the many parts of the tracks into the ecology of our connected future.

    Well, I guess so, still, some understanding and guidance is needed, and as that’s the most noble job of consultants I will try to shed a little light onto the program of the Web 2.0 Expo Berlin in one of my next posts (if it’s only for my own purposes and those readers who feel at home in this “ecology of our connected future”). Btw, in the past I wrote some posts on the greater topic of business ecosystems at my other blog. Brwose them if you like.

    Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

    Networking the Web 2.0 Expo Europe Berlin

    Now that I’ve fully entered the Web 2.0 Expo Europe blogger programme I wrote about some cute things are starting to happen.

    One of the implicit goals of the program is to deepen the connections and relationships between European Web 2.0 (and Enterprise 2.0) bloggers and other enthusiasts. So it’s neat (and somehow all too clear) that among the first guys I found on the internal mailing list there were already people I know, respect and read since long. I guess this is a good sign, and promises a really cool week.

    But it’s of course not about mingling and chatting with the people you already know, this would be only half the fun of the Expo (and yes, the preceeding international BarCampBerlin 3). It’s also about exchanging ideas, point of views and experiences with people you didn’t know before. So I am definitely looking forward to meeting all the people I will discover via this program.

    OK then, go ahead, registration for the Web 2.0 Expo Berlin is here, and you can use this promo discount code to get a 35% discount: webeu08gr17

    Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

    Disclosure: Participants of the Blogger Program get a complimentary pass, so I don’t need to pay for my ticket. But hey, I would have gone to the Expo anyway (in fact, I booked my flight sometime early in June) and I tend to blog about stuff like that regularly (like last year’s expo posts).

    Entered the Web 2.0 Expo Europe blogging program

    I’ve entered myself into te Web 2.0 Expo Europe blogging program and as I detailed the language of this blog to be english and german, sollte ich vielleicht besser auf deutsch weiterschreiben …

    Worum geht es? Vom 21 bis 23. Oktober findet in Berlin die zweite Auflage der Web 2.0 Expo Europe (das zentrale Treffen der Web 2.0 und Enterprise 2.0 Experten, nicht nur aus Europa) statt. Richtig, das ist (wie letztes Jahr) in der Woche nach dem Barcamp Berlin 3. Die BarCamp-Anmeldung ist für internationale Gäste weiterhin offen, deutsche Interessenten müssen aber mittlerweile auf die Warteliste.

    Nicole, Suw und Stephanie laden nun für O’Reilly und Techweb europäische Blogger dazu ein, wobei aber ein paar Spielregeln gelten:

    The way the blogging programme will work is that we’ll ask participants to do these few things between now and 6th October:

    • publish at least 4 Web 2.0 Expo-related blog posts, podcast episodes or videocasts, e.g. announcement of the event, speaker information, speaker interviews, or any other event-related stuff
    • encourage readers, friends, and/or community to register for the event
    • display the Web 2.0 Expo logo on their blog, with a link to the registration page, until the day of the conference

    Nun ja, die Punkte 2 und 3 hatte ich bereits frühzeitig und ohne besondere Anreize erledigt, und auch dieses Jahr werde ich sicher wieder von der Expo bloggen (hier sind meine Posts von der Expo 2007 bzw. vom BarCamp Berlin 2).

    Andererseits ist es sehr verlockend, dass Expo Blogger auch einen 35% Discount an Leser, Kollegen, Freunde (ja, Kunden auch) weitergeben können und u.U. leichter Zugang zu interessanten Interview- und Gesprächspartner bekommen:

    • access to information about the event suitable for re-blogging, such as announcements and speaker information/interviews (when possible)

    Dass man evtl. auch in die “offizielle Blogroll” aufgenommen wird, ist da nur noch ein kleiner Extra-Anreiz. Also, die Frage hier und in folgenden Posts ist: “how can we use the power of Web 2.0 (in the Enterprise)”

    Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008