Networking the Web 2.0 Expo Europe Berlin

Now that I’ve fully entered the Web 2.0 Expo Europe blogger programme I wrote about some cute things are starting to happen.

One of the implicit goals of the program is to deepen the connections and relationships between European Web 2.0 (and Enterprise 2.0) bloggers and other enthusiasts. So it’s neat (and somehow all too clear) that among the first guys I found on the internal mailing list there were already people I know, respect and read since long. I guess this is a good sign, and promises a really cool week.

But it’s of course not about mingling and chatting with the people you already know, this would be only half the fun of the Expo (and yes, the preceeding international BarCampBerlin 3). It’s also about exchanging ideas, point of views and experiences with people you didn’t know before. So I am definitely looking forward to meeting all the people I will discover via this program.

OK then, go ahead, registration for the Web 2.0 Expo Berlin is here, and you can use this promo discount code to get a 35% discount: webeu08gr17

Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

Disclosure: Participants of the Blogger Program get a complimentary pass, so I don’t need to pay for my ticket. But hey, I would have gone to the Expo anyway (in fact, I booked my flight sometime early in June) and I tend to blog about stuff like that regularly (like last year’s expo posts).

One Response to “Networking the Web 2.0 Expo Europe Berlin”

  1. Bob says:

    The full schedule of the wonderful Berlin Web Week:

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