Barcamp Berlin Tag 1 … Yahoo! Pipes session

OK then, I’m in for two more sessions, starting with Yahoo Pipes – Mashup Your Life and then at 6pm Drupal – Introduction & Concepts.

Yahoo! Pipes is a neat way for fast prototyping, and to pull together little applications, filters and stuff. One example is my little pipe “ frogpond RSS feed“, that cleans up the original RSS feed of this site, i.e. that excludes the links from the feed, and provides only my generic posts. I needed this for my BMID-sidebar, where I wanted to include the last ten frogpond-posts but had no need for these “standard for the day” posts. With pipes I managed to build this little helper in practically no time …

Some good information on pipes is here “Learn How to Build a Pipe in Just a Few Minutes“, and have a look at my pipes posts on the BMID-blog.

Barcamp München Tag 2 – Lessions in Social Networks

Meine zweite Session heute nachmittag: Kosmar aka Markus Angermeier zu Social Networks – Prinzipien, Konzepte, Ideen und Erfahrungen.

Nur einige Stichworte von der Session (die auch teilweise Relevanz für Social Networks in the Enterprise haben):

Social Networks Erfolsfaktoren (keine privaten Daten freigeben ohne reifliche Überlegung und klaren Zweck, biete einfache, nützliche Dienste und Services, Plattformbetreiber müssen sich zwischen Wachstum oder Qualität entscheiden, …)

Zentral: Community-Fokus (adaptiv an veränderte und weiterentwickelte Nutzerwünsche anpassen, mit Kunden sprechen und das Nutzungsverhalten von Kunden beobachten, “don’t change anything without telling it before”)

Offenheit der Plattform (offene API – ermögliche Mash-ups, reagiere auf neue Nutzungsideen der Nutzer – und nimm diese u.U. auch auf, ermögliche Integration von Angeboten Dritter)

Update: Kosmar hat die Slides online gestellt:

Die Präsentation war eine der besten die ich auf dem Barcamp gesehen habe – relaxed, aber dennoch war das Wissen ums Thema und das Commitment stets intensiv zu spüren. Warum manche einen müden Vortragsstil ausmachen ist mir ein Rätsel 😉

Digital business podcast

Looks interesting, this new podcast by Financial Times digital business team (here the mp3), all about collaboration and web 2.0 in the enterprise:

Polycom CEO Bob Hagerty weighs the merits of videoconferencing versus ‘physical relationships’; Nicholas Carr introduces Internet 2.0; columnist and author Ade McCormack begins a new regular feature demystifying complex IT topics; and Alan Cane asks Andy Mulholland of Capgemini what corporate mash-ups are all about.


In my presentation I shortly introduced BEAs initiative, i.e. launching three Web 2.0 style applications for their enterprise customers:

  • Ensemble (for mashups)
  • Pages (drag-and-drop collaborative workspaces)
  • Pathways (an information discovery tool)

Well, more (product) information at of course, Dana Gardner has info on the background of these offerings here, Chris Bucchere has more insight into the value proposition, the concepts behind this move and its overall position in the uptaking of the enterprise 2.0 theme. I would argue that this strengthens and validates the overall trend that incumbent enterprise software shops are incorporating web 2.0 features into their products (and business models).

And this move also reflects the findings of several enterprise 2.0 studies (like those by Forrester and McKinsey) on which I plan to blog about over the coming easter holidays … let’s see how this pulls all together.