SOS VideoClass N°2 – social web in the workplace

This one’s especially for Xavier, Gonzalo and Ton – who will be able to follow Luc no doubt. The rest of us must do with the english transcript at his site, including “it is time to stop overprotecting people. It is time to take both feet off the [brakes]. It is time to see social media no longer as a threat but as an opportunity.”

Oh, and check out how he sees and interprets the modern workplace …

Posted via web from stirring the frogpond

3 Responses to “SOS VideoClass N°2 – social web in the workplace”

  1. Luc Galoppin says:

    Hi Martin – we are preparing a version with sub-titles. As soon as it is ready I will put it in the article. The current version will continue to exist.
    Best regards & thanks for the RT

  2. Luc Galoppin says:

    There you go: English subtitles = OK
    No need to refresh the link 🙂

  3. Martin Koser says:

    Whoa, Luc – that was fast – thank you for tweaking the video (while the transcript was fine, the subtitles will probably help in spreading).

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