Upcoming: Lotusphere 2010, part 2 : conferencing

OK, one more thing before I rush to the airport. You know, I’ve said it’s about the networking when going to conferences – both on site and virtually.

For the latter documenting and live-blogging & -tweeting an event is essential as it gives the people who are remote a chance to participate in the event. Here, an etiquette needs to be followed when live tweeting (avoid noisy keyboards, add suitable and clever hashtags, keep the signal-noise-ratio sensible while still filling the back-channel with (first hand) information and valuable front-line impressions, don’t tweet behind the back of the presenters).

Overall the rule seems to be – don’t waste the time of your audience. Keep it short, that’s why it’s over and out for now.

One Response to “Upcoming: Lotusphere 2010, part 2 : conferencing”

  1. Hey Martin
    Thanks for the mention in the post – it’s fascinating how our blog posts travel globally in near real-time: in this case from Australia to Germany!

    Have a great LotusSphere – many of us in Australia will be following the #ls10 hashtag with great interest.

    Best regards,
    Tony Hollingsworth

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