Case Studies @ E20Summit

I missed out on Kenneth Lavrsens talk on using a wiki in Motorolas ISO 9000 Quality Management initiative, just grasped that they used TWiki as engine and that they had some adoption issues too.

Now Wieland Stützel of Fraport is talking about their internal wiki-based knowledge management: the Skywiki. Some notes from his presentation:

– Only some basic, easy rules are imposed on wiki users

On Preparation:
– it’s important to start with some initial content
– build up a team, a committed taskforce, should represent important sectors/stakeholders
– they integrated external experience, sadly no external wiki consultant like me, but went for informal exchanges with the “Club Wikipedia e.V.” of Germany.

On Challenges when triggering off the pilot project:
– employee enthusiasm isn’t guaranteed, needs to be fostered and constantly worked for

On Success Factors:
– management acceptance
– small group of convinced “companions”
– initial contents (s.above)
– advertise, give new impulses (argh, poiting out “articles of the month”?)
– talk to potential authors personally

More (german language) information on the SkyWiki can be also found in this interview mit Wieland Stützel, in the Newsletter der Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM), Nr.1/ 2008 (pdf). Found via Jochen Robes.

Moreover, there’s another pdf at the Kompass website, here: Skywiki – Erfahrungen mit dem Fraport-Wissensportal

2 Responses to “Case Studies @ E20Summit”

  1. Dusan Minic says:

    I covered Kenneth Lavrsen in my Blog, however, only in German language:

  2. Martin Koser says:

    Dusan, this is cool, another writeup of the Lavrsen session is here, by Cedric:

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