4 Responses to “Wikipatterns session at BarCamp Jena”

  1. […] recht viel um Wikis für Wissensmanagement und interne Unternehmenskommunikation, zum Beispiel zu Wikipatterns, was ich sehr interessant fand. Wie gesagt, vielleicht kommt es mir auch nur so vor, weil ich […]

  2. This session was really inspiring for me. This let me to compile a short transcript for our weblog http://www.humannetworkcompetence.de. Best regards.

  3. […] Sunday, 10 February, Martin Koser presented a session on Wiki Patterns at the Barcamp Mitteldeutschland in Jena, Germany. Here are […]

  4. Martin Koser says:

    @Dirk you’re most welcome – and I am glad that you can use the ideas presented.

    I really enjoyed our chats at the BarCamp and the accompanying events (like at the TheaterCafe) and look forward to next time.

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