Web 2.0 is in Berlin again …

I am only slowly recovering from a very nasty cold, but still I need to travel. Find me at Sankt Oberholz this evening, I am the one with the peppermint tea, sitting together with the man behind DokuWiki.

So I’m at the 48th DFN Betriebstagung in Berlin, where I will moderate a panel on web 2.0 in the multimediaforum. Needless to say that I won’t stop at glitzy shiny web 2.0 stuff, but will venture also into the unglamorous enterprise 2.0 area.

Here are my wiki slides, as always in an open access area on my wiki:


21 days on wiki adoption cont.

I am at the BarCamp Jena/Mitteldeutschland and spent the whole day in sessions and mingling with the crowd. As the WiFi has been shaky I didn’t blog that much. But now as I am sitting in a cozy bistro with working Wifi and have some time on my hands I can post the next couple of Stewarts video series on wiki adoption:

Day 2: Wiki vs. Email:

The primary difference between a wiki and email for collaboration is in the mechanics of each. If you and I were using email and an attached text document to collaborate, a lot has to happen between when I edit the document and when you can. Not so with a wiki:

Day 3: Your Wiki Isn’t Necessarily Wikipedia

Wikipedia is different from organizational wiki sites both because of its primary use – encyclopedia – and the way its community is structured. These characteristics have made Wikipedia successful, but they aren’t necessarily the conditions for success for every wiki.

Day 4: Run a Pilot

The first major step in growing wiki use in your organization is to run a pilot. It lets you get wiki use started in a controlled environment, build use examples that are relevant to your organization, and develop a support structure to help keep things running smoothly.

Neue Kommunikationskonzepte in Netzwerken

Erste Session beim BarCamp Jena/Mitteldeutschland (nachdem die Probleme mit dem Wlan offensichtlich behoben sind): Eine Doppelssion, zum einen “Neue Kommunikationskonzepte in Netzwerken. Digitale Kollaboration von KMU, FE und UHF” von Prof. Dr. Dietrich Hoffmann, zum anderen ein Vortrag von Siteforum (“Wissensmanagement mit Web 2.0 Lösungen im Personalumfeld”), einem Anbieter von SaaS-Netzwerkplattformen zu Trends bei Online-Netzwerken (erste Phase allgemeines Wachstum, nun zweite Phase Spezialisierung auf kleinere Zielgruppen). Die Folien von Dietrich Hoffmann sind hier (zip), u.a. zu E/Internet-Learning, Technologieakzeptanz und Akzeptanzförderung älterer Mitarbeiter, und verteilter Zusammenarbeit in Kompetenznetzwerken mithilfe elektronischer Medien.

1. These – Starke Netzwerke basieren auf bewährten Kompetenzen
2. These – Starke Netzwerke basieren auf Kommunikation + Kollaboration
3. These – Starke Netzwerke nutzen digitale Technologien
4. These – Zukünftige Netzwerke verknüpfen Lernen + Arbeiten

Siteforum integrierte u.a. Blogs, Foren, Wikis und Webcasts (modulweise / baukastenartig) in die Netzwerkplattform. Beispiele und erste Umsetzungen sind hr.com und hrm.de, die quasi integrierte Netzwerkplattform sind, die als SaaS betrieben werden. Ein Testportal ist hier.

Stewart Mader video series on wiki adoption

Whoa, fresh content for this blog is secured for the next 20 days, as Stewart Mader (whose book I’ve just reviewed very favorably here) will post a short video episode each day. I’ll try to not only post his content but to add some thoughts and observations of mine as time permits. For now let’s start with the first two episodes, number one is the introductory episode, number two is the first episode dealing with the details (Day 1 “Grassroots is best”)

enterprise2open blog carnival

I am not allowed to participate in the contest, after all I have some “prejudices” and formulated the task, but anyway for all readers that aren’t yet following the enterprise2open blog, here’s the deal of the enterprise2open blog carnival:

Can Enterprise 2.0 prevail as a concept and possibly as a vision for a better enterprises, given that organizational barriers and deep-seated resistance are present, and what we can do about it?

What’s your opinion on this, and what are your ideas? We’re prepared to honor the best and most comprehensive contribution – KongressMedia has sponsored a VIP-ticket to the March 4 Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT, which we’ll happily send out to the winner in this contest of ideas.

Put down your thoughts, blog about it, trackback the post at enterprise2open and be in the contest.