The IT flower

I like this short visualization, I agree with Rod and think that this is also a helpful starting point for (IT-related) Social Software discussions, especially when they concern ad-hoc processes and knowledge work …

The IT Flower is […] is designed to help explain developments in enterprise IT.

3 Responses to “The IT flower”

  1. […] ERP, CRM, Software, Microsoft, Consulting, Technology — Matthias Schwenk @ 8:38 pm On Martin Koser’s blog I found the IT Flower, a presentation about enterprise software. Rod Boothby, the creator of this […]

  2. […] Blog von Martin Koser fand ich die IT Flower, eine sehr illustrative Darstellung der neueren Entwicklungen im Bereich der […]

  3. nan says:

    [Comment moderated / wording].

    Nan – if you don’t like the visualization – fine. But watch your wording and leave a real email when commenting next time. Please.

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