Bookmarks for March 20th from 15:28 to 17:53

Social business pinboard links for March 20th, syndicated automagically:

  • The Hard Science of Teamwork – Alex "Sandy" Pentland – Harvard Business Review – patterns as a way of making sense of group behaviour (and I'd say emergent phenomena galore)

    "People should feel empowered by the idea of a science of team building, The idea that we can transmute the guess work of putting a team together into a rigorous methodology, and then continuously improve teams is exciting. Nothing will be more powerful, I believe, in eventually changing how organizations work."

  • The Architecture of a Social Business : Enterprise Irregulars – Elements of a Social Business Architecture
    – Social Media Platforms
    – External Social Business Services
    – Service Delivery
    – Social Foundation
    – Systems of Engagement
    – Systems of Record

Bookmarks for March 11th from 20:22 to 20:22

Social business pinboard links for March 11th, syndicated automagically:

  • The essence of social business patterns – Business patterns of repeatable behaviour and consistent use of methodology or tools Technical patterns of business enablement through provision of platforms Integration patterns that exploit rampant connectivity, API and SDK model Agile patterns that embrace iteration and enable constant innovation Customer experience and UX patterns that redefine business models purely from the perspective of the customer/user Ecosystem patterns that both map and enable the complex systems of business without borders

Well, I am blogging¹ this


Reshared post from +Martin Koser

#socialbusiness #knowledgemanagement

I always tell people that with social software in business we finally get the means to achieve what we wanted in KM since ages

(no piece of cake, still …)

Embedded Link

Is Social Business Just Knowledge Management 2.0?
Alan Hamilton asks if social business is just an iteration of Knowledge Management 2.0.

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