Zusammenfassungen …

… meiner Recherchen und Analysen u.a. zu Themen wie Cloud Computing, SaaS, Enterprise Microsharing, ECM, MOSS 2007 und Sharepoint sind normale (und tägliche) (Beratungs-)Arbeit. Nicht alles wird hier (oder als Bookmark bei delicious) öffentlich geteilt. Anderes durchaus, ein paar Notizen und Anmerkungen zu Fundstücken der letzten Zeit

Mit dem Google Search Wiki (gefunden via TQU und netzwertig) können angemeldete Benutzer die Reihenfolge ihrer Suchergebnisse für eine bestimmte Suchanfrage verschieben, löschen, hinzufügen und Ergebnisseiten mit Notizen versehen können (ähnlich wie es Wikia und Mahalo mit Social Search anstreben). Interessant – kollaborative Entdeckung und Empfehlung (digg-like) als erweiterte Suche? Ja, analog wird auch für RSS mehr Personalisierung gefordert:

As Web content becomes more granular, compositional, and personalizable (not to mention more perishable), subscribability becomes a design consideration. Users want to be able to opt into dynamic content. […] it’s no longer enough just to let users save queries; they now need to be able to subscribe to their queries (or the content generated by them).

Via Stewart Mader habe ich den neuesten Forrester Report zu Enterprise 2.0 (Enterprise Web 2.0) gefunden. Die vollständige Analyse ist umfangreich und kostenpflichtig (ja, wie oben gesagt) – aber einen wichtigen Punkt fasst Stewart schon ganz gut zusammen: “wikis are transforming collaboration“:

[…] One of the more promising of the Web 2.0 technologies for the enterprise, wikis show good evidence of helping transform collaboration in the enterprise. Users report success with many wiki endeavors when they’re sponsored by business leaders and connected to business processes.

Und um wieder mit Forrester zu argumentieren: Verteilte Teams profitieren besonders von (Real-Time) Collaboration Tools – auch wenn sicher nicht alle Kommunikation in real-time geschehen muss. Aber die Unterstützung reichhaltiger, kontextgerechter Interaktionen (Ted Schadler spricht von pervasiveness, aus meiner Sicht bestehen zudem weitere Anknüpfungspunkte wie “reach” und “ambient intimacy”) ergänzt die Zusammenarbeit in Wikis ideal. Es ist also schlüssig dass Micro-Sharing und -Blogging, sowie “federated, cloud-based collaboration platforms” wie Forrester schreibt an Interesse gewinnen.

Laconi.ca session at BarCampBerlin3

BarCamp Berlin 3

First round of sessions at BarCamp sunday, I’m in the session with Ralf from bleeper.de. Will see if there’s something new, esp. given that I’ve been to another intro session with Markus Heurung lately at the BarCamp Stuttgart.

Basic notion and one good answer on “Why microblogging?” – well, yes, it’s more dynamic, more social, it’s providing a room for ambient intimacy.

So far let’s start with some notes:

– open source project laconi.ca
– big four: Jaiku, Pownce, Twitter, Plurk
– 5 mio microblogging users now
– bleeper is a laconi.ca implementation which also supports OpenId
– the big four are basically closed systems, you can’t switch easily between services and it’s hard to communicate with users on other services than your own. And yes, history repeats itself # # #)
– data portability is an issue, yes, it’s not only about my connections, i.e. friends and followers, it’s more or less about all the content I’ve entered (see, as of today I’ve done +2000 updates …)

Enter laconi.ca – Open Source Microblogging (and enter identi.ca – “mother of all laconi.ca installations”

– Apache/PHP5/MySQL
– Affero GPL (AGPL)
Open Microblogging Protocol for federation (cross server spreading is both distributing the load and the “dependency”)
– OpenID
– Creative Commons Licensing for the updates
– there’s new functionalities coming up, like you will be able to transfer your complete “package” to other services, there will be a Facebook connection, an OpenSocial interoperability and multimedia (Pownce-like) goodness, …

Now some interesting experiences Bleeper had with laconi.ca
– “the dark past of laconi.ca installations – 0.4 ish nightmares” – today it’s much better, the aim of laconi.ca is easy installation, kind of WordPress-easyness)

Conversations Connected with Context – Socialtext Signals

Socialtext launched Socialtext 3.0, a trio of applications for connected collaboration with context:

  • People – Social networking for the enterprise
  • Workspace – Group-editable wiki for easy, flexible, enterprise-wide collaboration
  • Dashboard – Customizable home pages that let each person decide where to focus their attention.

Here’s the 60 second video, fresh from Ross Mayfield’s blog

Now add Signals to the mix, Socialtexts Twitter for the enterprise clone …

[…] integrated microblogging for the enterprise. Socialtext Signals is social messaging for the enterprise connected with context. With the rise of Twitter, more people are learning the benefits of microblogging as a medium for conversations and sharing each day. Socialtext developed a standalone version six months ago. Using it internally we’ve learned how different usage is from Twitter, not just because it is more private, but because it is in the context of a company. The social patterns of what people say and share has taught us a lot about potential use cases. Now in private beta with Socialtext customers, Socialtext Signals will provide an integrated user experience across Socialtext Workspace, Socialtext Dashboard and Socialtext People.

Above, that’s an 18 min interview found via Robert Scoble. Yes, I believe this is an important addition and will be an essential part of any enterprise 2.0 platform. Integrating social features like easy microsharing and social networking into Enterprise wikis is just natural. While supporting relationships is a generic purpose, it needs an integrated user experience (that’s a point where laconi.ca based implementations still have a hard time), a focus on work groups and a discrete use (well, we need to ease a pain point to really make the point). See how Dennis Howlett expands on the need for context-sensitive linkage

SocialText [Signals] is providing the essential linkage between people and context with some elements of process. That’s crucial for this type of application to make sense in a corporate environment.

This move by Socialtext is all too timely, we’re seeing enterprise Twitters pop up here and there. Check out some of the recent newcomers with Laura Fitton’s evaluation sheet and read up on some of my thoughts on related adoption patterns and best practices.

Microblogging Session beim BarCamp Stuttgart

Nächste Session am BarCamp Stuttgart, Marcus Heurung stellt die aktuellen Features und langfristigen (Entwicklungs-)Ziele von laconi.ca vor, u.a.

  • identi.ca/laconi.ca verwaltet die #hashtags eigenständig und “von Haus aus”, kein Vergleich zum #hashtags/Twhirl Usability Disaster.
  • Was kommt noch bei laconi.ca?  U.a. AIM, MSN, IRC, XMPP-OMB, AtomPub, RSS Clouds, Track, Multimediaintegration, Profilportabilität sowie einfache Installation für “jedermann” – beste Skalierung via Messaging Modell statt CMS-Modell

Zuletzt eine spannende Diskussion rund um die Abgrenzung von Twitter und laconi.ca, mehr aber noch um die (unternehmensinternen) Perspektiven von Micromessaging (siehe auch “Adoption patterns and best practices – now Twitter“).

Eins noch, zur “Abgrenzung von Twitter und laconi.ca”:

The difference between Laconi.ca and Twitter is the same as the difference between AIM and Jabber. With Twitter or AIM there is one server that everyone connects to. All communications go through that server. With Jabber or Laconi.ca there are many different servers. Every group runs their own server, but you can still communicate between servers through federation. (via)

Adoption patterns and best practices – now Twitter

Tonight I did a quite long comment on Björn’s post at the Enterprise2Open blog on “Microblogging as a Corporate Tool“). These are some thoughts, and essentially my take on the adoption issues with Twitter that are cross-linked and -influenced by the discussions at Centrestage, Communardo (and Cem Basman too).

Björn asked about the requirements we’re seeing (and need to meet) when we want to introduce these tools towards organizations and assumed that “we need Twitter to succeed for the masses before micro blogging can be implemented in a substantial way”. I don’t think so and explain below, but he’s got a very good point in demanding more best-practices and enterprise success stories. Anyway, here’s a quote of what I commented:

I am divided if “understanding” is what we need to drive corporate adoption. Twitter and co. are basically easy to get applications. The way I see it, people don’t use it because they don’t understand and don’t see the altered mode of communication – as it’s so counterintuitive to what we all have learned for long.

Yes, telling and educating corporations about Microblogs won’t hurt (and adding a list of possible usage arenas is a good start too, @Dirk) but I propose to focus on the personal benefits of “ambient initimacy” for knowledge workers and explore usage potentials in project or innovation management from there.

People don’t really care about project documentation and “after action” knowledge reviews (and innovators despise processes and organizational boundaries) – hence, we must provide them with light-weight tools that don’t add much additional work load and that bring instant benefits. This is where Twit’ter, Yammer and co. are coming into play: they are making it easier to feel connected, to communicate and they allow for easy “drill-down” (at least three times: in terms of intensity of debate, in terms of private or public conversation, in terms of engaging into a conversation when I feel so and dropping out from it again when fit).

Now, Laura Fitton prefers “microsharing” to “microblogging” (yes, the latter is pretty common and already a kind of industry standard) and I can see the reasons. It’s not so much blogging, messaging, documenting or whatever. Twitter and co. are also means for sharing time, for caring about your colleagues and professional network.

So, as microsharing alters the patterns and ways of communication within an enterprise, we may need 1) an organizational culture that understands the need and value of “caring for your colleagues (and what are they up to in this d*** project”) and 2) we must understand that people need to use it personally some times to understand its benefits for them and their work.

Btw, somehow this reminds me of the initial reactions of people towards wikis. And with that said, I’ve seen it quite often that when people begin to use their intranet wiki, ideas where this nifty tool (and method to collaborate, dare I say) might be used too emerge quickly. I guess that might happen with enterprise microsharing platforms as well, so it’s more about building a versatile and adaptive platform than getting the usage scenarios right from the very start.