Lotussphere 2010: Curing information overload

Now, I’ve written something like “I really need to clone myself – there are way too many good sessions at Lotusphere 2010.” Good to have some bloggers on site with their continuing live-coverage and analysis, huh?

So let’s collect some of the relevant posts of the first two days – avoiding the pretty obvious ones for now (Ed Brill, Luis Suarez and his Twitter conferencing persona, Luis Benitez, Alan Lepofsky, the Lotusphere blog itself and it’s liveblogging incarnation, PlanetLotus – an aggregator of many Lotus related blogs, ReadWriteWeb Enterprise‘s Alex Williams, and more). Did I promise a cure for information overload? Nah, that catchy title only got chosen to attract you, there’s no such thing

OK then, here we go, check out

Curious Mitch, liveblogging eg. on LotusLive and SaaS things
LotusGeek, with extensive coverage
Chris Miller does Notes
[and more, this list will probably grow over time]

Und natürlich gibt es auch einige viele deutsche deutschsprachige Lotusphere posts:

– zum einen von Stefan, der wie ich nicht untätig ist (Collaboration in the cloud, Lotusphere Bericht u.a. zu Project Concord und den Web Clipping Services),
– von Peter Schütt (Lotusphere 2010 Opening Keynote: Lotus Knows – die Collaboration Agenda der Zukunft),
– dem Tech-Team von TwentyOne
– und natürlich von Volker Weber (u.a. die gesammelten Heise et al. Artikel),

Finding and filtering LeWeb ’09 content

It’s going to get crazy really soon, so here are a few pointers for those of you who want to follow things as they unfold:

Really crazy gets the athmosphere pretty good, a real avalanche of tweets (and I’ve switched over to the closer group of official bloggers and tweeters for relevance) – good to have some overview posts as well. Steph has a pathfinder to find your way …

Information overload in Enterprise 2.0 and waving a hello to LeWeb

between a rock and a hard placeI’m stuck in the midst of conferences and end-of-year-accelerating projects, both adding to the workload (low-quality rock and the hard place picture of Homer ‘course copyrighted by Fox, obviously).

And next week will be filled to the brim with LeWeb. Still I wanted to conclude with me looking back at the e2conf in San Francisco and the E20SUMMIT in Frankfurt (yes, will post my other promised posts now …). One needs to use a blogging opportunity if it’s there, that is before all the interruptions that result from being better connected in this social web world will result in another dropdown of productivity on Monday morning …

This might well be one of the symptoms Kathleen Culver diagnosed at e20conf – that the attention erosion that comes with mutliple, real-time and intertwined activity streams may result in “an inability to perform deep analysis on whatever it is you’re working on”:

Research is suggesting the Enterprise 2.0 technologies might introduce negative impacts productivity, decision quality and job satisfaction, in addition to the positive ones. What do we need to be aware of as we unleash these solutions on employees?


Join me in challenging companies to address these soft challenges of Enterprise 2.0. Challenges that can potentially dilute the benefit of E2.0 and maybe even make employees less productive and happy. Either take a moment to consider these issues when plunging forward with deployments or add your comments to the blog so we can raise the visibility of these challenges.

On the other hand I am a great fan of Clay Shirky’s meme of “filter failure, not information overload” – thus I am constantly on the search for better tools to filter and sort. That said, this constant search may be adding to the overload again

logoYet I am expecting that the directory wave I prepared for LeWeb can help in collecting, systematizing and refining the various real-time content streams. Wave can be a very capable interactive venue, that’s allowing and enabling freeform collaboration, that is accesible and searchable by all, and that can help us master the “Information Candy Superstore” that LeWeb sure is going to be.

I told you already that I’m one of the official bloggers this year, hence you may find my writings, tweets and posts aggregated on many more places, Steph compiled some of the meta places to follow in here:

[…] You can also follow them all on Twitter with the official bloggers list. During the conference, you will be able to find all their posts about LeWeb’09 on a single page, with a single feed (thanks to Superfeedr). Another way to access their publications is through the LeWeb’09 Pearltree — just click on the Official Bloggers branch.

If the news is that important, it will find me

Bertrand Duperrin has an interesting post on informational competence, a key competence of knowledge workers. Reminded me of an article in the NYT I found via Marcel Weiß (btw, that’s the mechanism at work) holding that the “If the news is that important, it will find me”-attitude is gaining momentum:

[…] younger [people] tend to be not just consumers of news and current events but conduits as well — sending out e-mailed links and videos to friends and their social networks. And in turn, they rely on friends and online connections for news to come to them. In essence, they are replacing the professional filter — reading The Washington Post, clicking on CNN.com — with a social one.

Bertrands point of view adds to this a twist on intraorganizational provision of information, the you know “what’s needed, at the right point in time to the right people and so on”, arguing both that finding, extracting, evaluating, and making efficient use of information demands new competencies and that

[…] The problem is not the mass of infomation, it’s the amount of relevant information (what I need to know to do my job now) in relation to the global quantity.

[while] the information I receive through RSS feeds because I wanted to follow it, because it comes from well-targeted search agents, because it’s filtered by my network, is enormous in quantity but provides me with real benefits. It takes time for me to manage it ? It saves many people’s time in my company when I publish things and bookmarks on our intranet, or on the internet when I publish my bookmarks.

Enterprise RSS Day of Action

During the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT I learned (via Twitter incidentally) that James Dellow has started a quite noble undertaking – putting the spotlight on (Enterprise) RSS with a so-called Enterprise RSS Day of Action:

The purpose of the Enterprise RSS Day of Action is to help raise awareness for the potential for Enterprise RSS. This wiki will provide Enterprise RSS champions with materials and information they can use to run their own awareness campaigns inside their own organisations.

Myself, I also strive to alert people to the potentials of Enterprise RSS whereever I go, sometimes by explaining it along this nice visualization by Fred Cavazza (from his article “What is Enterprise 2.0”):

Enterprise 2.0

What’s especially important here are those filters and aggregators, that take RSS feeds as input and refactor them so that in the end personalized information is delivered – that way easing the problems of information overload …