Yellow Day

via– an unofficial celebration of the Lotus brand

“Wear yellow. Blog yellow. Tweet yellow. Bleed yellow. Release yellow. Skin yellow. Ship yellow. Join yellow.”

Bleed yellow? Thank god it’s

What is BleedYellow?

Welcome to, where the Lotus faithful gather to post personal profiles, write blogs, share bookmarks, create communities, track activities, and build applications

Posted via web from frogpond’s posterous

Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT page at Facebook

What is the intention? Well – the whole E2.0 SUMMIT is about bonding the European community around the E2.0 topic. Therefore we are already provide the weblog at as well a newly Posterous blog at All the actions are aggregated on our FB page – with that we hope to provide some value to the E2.0 discussion.

Facebook page to both connect the E20SUMMIT community and collect information and discussions about the conference.

Posted via web from enterprise2open

reboot11 – recapping days 0 and 1

Ah, I promised some learnings, did I? First one: it turned out a good idea to arrive early, that is on Wednesday afternoon, the day before reboot. When I got to Kedelhallen some people were already there and while I was too late for getting into Wemind’s event there I happened to meet Kim Bach, with whom I had a very cool conversation around everything in between anarchy, bread baking and zoos and then a nice walk to the pre-reboot boat trip.


I guess there have been some photos taken at this boat-trip, which was nice and a good start to an evening at the Copenhagen beaches  …

OK, now onto some of the talks on day one, I arrived early too:

Matt Webb started the talks, demanding more cultural invention – if only as a way to do more interesting things. Agree, we should stop “solving problems” and start “inventing culturally”, if this means going for the deep thinking. Needless to say that it all related to “design thinking” – and yes, “design has to invent, to create new ways of doing things, and to contribute to culture”.

David Weinberger, here I can say it with Peter’s words: “David Weinberger, who I always love to see talk, spoke about the web being a morally charged tool, and about optimism”. Yay, nice video, found via Peter:

Missed the talk by Matthias Müller-Prove, but went into Martin Jul’s session on what we can learn from Japan when they rebuilt after World War 2 – as they called on Deming for ideas, the session evolved into a collection of management principles (“Reboot your management“), some of whom are equally fitting our world of Enterprise 2.0.

It concerned Deming’s 14 principles for management, the humanistic, long-term thinking, keep learning, use the scientific method, and build from quality philosophy, that helped shape companies such as Toyota and Honda..

Researching the background of his work, it was interesting to see how the World-War 2 Training Within Industry principles played a big role in shaping his ideas and how its focus on operating from a basis of scarcity – such as saving material, time and labour to win the war faster, plays so well in an entrepreneurial setting and in cutting through the big-company trap of just throwing more money at problems.

Upcoming: Enterprise 2.0 events at CeBIT 2009 (come and share your views)

It’s that time of the year again – CeBIT 09 is just around the corner and it’s high time to collect and prepare plans and places to be. I will focus here on stuff with an Enterprise 2.0 focus and/or events I am involved with or am looking forward to. Björn has done a more complete overview here, add this to the information pages for the Open Source arena and especially the Enterprise 2.0 / Internet-focused Webciety (check out the program here)

Myself I will arrive on Wednesday, skipping the first day and sadly also the panel on “Social Computing” with Devan Batavia from Jive Software, Jeff Schick from IBM (seen him at the first E20SUMMIT) and Dirk Röhrborn from Communardo. But I will arrive in time for the “5 myths of the Change of Organizations” panel with Clay Shirky on Wednesday morning and later on the “Enterprise Collaboration” panel with people like Joshua Wold from Atlassian.

Thursday I will have my very own space in the Webciety program, presenting the small chunk of the DNAdigital book I contributed to, see the (german only) online version.

n50419902004_5210Friday I will be busy mingling with you, the Enterprise 2.0 community at CeBIT at the E2.0 Meetup on the CeBIT Webciety Area. I am really looking forward to this – let’s get together in the T-Systems Lounge. Besides having a panel discussion with Dion Hinchcliffe, Dr. Frank Schönefeld (T-Systems), Aidan Troy (IBM), Peter Fischer (Microsoft), Craig Hepburn (OpenText) and Sören Stamer (Coremedia) we’ll have enough time to discuss many of E 2.0’s challenges and potentials.

You can expect me to tweet and blog about most of these events, mostly at the community weblog but I am also planning to do some video interviews. Get in contact with me, get into the conversation and share your views of the future of Enterprise 2.0.

Wiki Meetup at Web 2.0 Expo Europe?

I am thinking if there might be some interest in meeting fellow Wiki enthusiasts (especially WikiWednesday backers and regulars) at the upcoming Web 2.0 Expo in Berlin? This might be interesting, sharing success stories and experiences, i.e. how to set-up wiki wednesdays, how to find issues (and sponsors) etc. But we might as well spend our time in wiki geek talk … give me a direct message on Twitter if you’re interested.

I don’t know if it’s still possible to apply for a special room for this get-together, but I guess we can still arrange for this with the nice people from O’Reilly and Techweb …

Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

Organizational information architecture: Freely Seeping through the walls of the garden

Some notes from a talk at reboot10: Thomas Vander Wal on Freely Seeping through the walls of the garden

I’m here for obvious reasons: collaboration, knowledge and innovation management (enabled by social software). Besides I travelled to Copenhagen with Thomas this morning, we talked shortly about his planned talk (and he’s a nice chap, too).

– walled gardens inhibit creativity & sharing, yet they create so comfortable environments

– no cross-pollination, no problems of seredipidity and innovation

– people connect on average with 10 people on Twitter (some are not average somehow) – we’re sticking to small groups of people we know

– connections and relationships aren’t commodities and will never be (Luis said something along these lines yesterday in Varese too)

– are we really aiming at freely sharing of information (around and about identity/objects)?

– increased understanding, let everybody in the organization get smarter

– on the elements of social software (duality of identity and object – presence, actions, sharing, reputation, relationships, conversation, groups, collaboration) and how to build order (I have to ponder this a little bit, I doubt that this is a sequential model, seeing also frog-leaping and some fuzzy, i.e. spirally-/recursive learning and adoption curves powered by feedback and learnings etc.)

– spheres of sociality (personal, selective, collective, mob)

– sharing one by one then sharing with groups (e.g. Dopplr, Ma.gnolia)

And yes, all this plays into

– why social software in the enterprise “doesn’t spread like wildfire” and

– yes, there’s much food for thought in here, some derived consulting and implementation challenges are:

– we need to help in easing the fear in the organization, help people go exploring the neighborhood gardens etc.

– we need to teach and inform on the “dangers and pitfalls” of departmentalized knowledge management systems – rebuilding silos and all – trying to look like a worthwhile solution (drag queens, anyone?) while we need to make the walls permeable. Have hedges but tear down the brick wall … then expand on your garden design endeavours (yes, this in freely linked to the earlier responsive architecture session).

How to build vibrant communities …

Found via Bertrand Duperrin (“Enterprise 2.0 according to SUN“) – this presentation by Peter Reiser (“Risk Management and Community“). I like the strategy and “why”-parts but am a bit hesitant in liking the Community Equity Model (measuring the various elements of equity seems hard). But well, if that’s what is needed for getting organizational support and buy-in …

Royal Bank of Scotland is holding their International Risk Congress in Edinburgh this week. The theme is “join the conversation” and it is all about communities, Web 2.0, sharing and participation.

[Peter Reiser] had the pleasure to lead a workshop with RBS on how to build vibrant communities.

It is a great sign that large enterprises like RBS are really getting serious about Web 2.0 and Communities. It is fascinating to see how a bank can differentiate and distinguish themselves by applying communities to their existing business processes. And yes – building a community value system as part of strategy is very important to drive active participation and contribution – and our Community Equity model fits very well