GSJam11 (and prototyping very quickly)

Today I am jamming at the local Global Service Jam event in Böblingen, and blogging on a freshly-cooked temporary prototype blog platform. If you’re curious check out the site superherofinance (on the road to a better world, sometimes rolling with The Superbus) – already with a mission statement page and an initial post on the prototyping process that’s currently on the roll …

Actually this sounds more like a business model innovation design post, huh? You’re right but the prototyping method is dear to my heart and pretty close to recent real life consulting engagements of mine …

One Response to “GSJam11 (and prototyping very quickly)”

  1. Chris Latterell says:

    Thanks for joining us Martin. Next time we look forward to having you Jammin’ fulltime. Nice to meet you and keep in touch.

    oh yeah, and remember to Spread the Jam!

    Schwaben Service Jam Co-organizers

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