Upcoming: SOMESSO / Headshift Social Business Summit March 18, 2010

Lee Bryant invited me to the SOMESSO / Headshift Social Business Summit March 18, 2010 and I was happy to join. Neat goal this event has (“Moving beyond the adoption of social tools to consider business impact and implications for organisational design”).

The agenda is promising a lot of interactive work and conversation, I am eager to learn how others see the current state of the industry, and the actual results and status-quo of social tools in business. But it’s also allowing for some future-guessing, ie. we will think about how the “Socially-calibrated Business of the Future might operate”.

On March 18, SOMESSO and Headshift/Dachis Group will host Europe’s first Social Business Summit; an invitation-only event in the city of London, which is aimed at business and technology thought leaders interested in the future of social business design. […].

Socially-calibrated? To my experience this is still asking for much, yet it’s one of the more viable approaches to understand, design and operate businesses. And it’s much more than stakeholder-management, it’s more than better tailored marketing, it’s more than allowing for spotty customer integration into organizational processes. Yes, open innovation and crowdsourcing come in varying flavors and intensities, we’ll see what the “Futures Trading” and the “postcards from the future of Social Business” will bring. Three working groups are scheduled, covering internal and external use cases, and then market / (business) ecosystem use cases. Plus, later on we’ll develop and identify “necessary changes and actions to move towards the future scenarios, as well as challenges we might face, in terms of people, culture and technology”.

Now, being in London on the 18th makes me miss out on another event I actually had hoped for to visit – the Enterprise 2.0 Forum in Paris that Bertrand Duperrin is organizing together with Kongressmedia. But as Björn and Thomas are going there it’s probably a sound decision to “spread the eggs over the various baskets …”

One Response to “Upcoming: SOMESSO / Headshift Social Business Summit March 18, 2010”

  1. […] the internets, esp. twitter for a while) – and we’ll meet each other again, when I was in London for the Social Business Summit meeting people rendered my trip worthwhile. It’s an easy formula: No travel – no […]

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