E20SUMMIT – Masterclass today

Enterprise 2.0 SUMMITIn a few minutes I will be participating in Dion Hinchcliffe’s E2.0 Master Class at E20SUMMIT. This isn’t going to be the normal talk, but rather an extensive workshop, ie. we will be working together as a small group for multiple hours and thus be able to discuss pragmatic and individual questions. Here’s the idea of it all:

[…]Ā Enterprise 2.0 Masterclass will provide attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to begin an Enterprise 2.0 initiative within your organization. You will be shown how successful Enterprise 2.0 projects can be structured and executed using case studies, emerging best practices, collaborative group exercises, and involved attendee interaction. Real-world experiences, lessons learned, and solutions are presented throughout. Enterprise 2.0 Masterclass is taught by industry experts extensively experienced with corporate IT and closely involved with Enterprise 2.0 efforts.

The actual agenda is much more elaborated (and as I know Dion will cover it all, indeed my first time listening to Dion was quite packed with information, experienced european live-bloggers got blasted away and there were various cases of RSI-syndrome. Yes I am talking about his session at the first Web 2.0 Expo Europe in Berlin, 2007 šŸ˜‰

10:45 Principles about Web 2.0 in the Enterprise and Corporate Social Computing

  • Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0: A Working Definition
  • How and why Web 2.0 provides guidance
  • Key driving forces
  • Network effects
  • Peer Production
  • New Social Power Structures
  • Control Over Data
  • New Social Tools & Platforms
  • Self-Service
  • Increased Transparency & Openness
  • ā€œConsumerization of The Enterpriseā€
  • Conclusion

11:45 Models and strategic pillars for the conceptionalization of Enterprise 2.0

  • Trends and Changes in the 21st Century Workplace
  • Benefits and Challenges of Enterprise Social Computing
  • Tacit Interactions
  • Enterprise 2.0 Defined: SLATES & FLATNESSES
  • Examining A Healthy Enterprise 2.0 Ecosystem

14:00 Succeeding in Enterprise 2.0 challenges: Adoption, IT issues and Governance

  • The Tools and Techniques of Enterprise 2.0: A Detailed Survey
  • Change Management Approaches for Social Enterprises
  • The IT issues: Security, Integrated Search, Syndication, Etc.
  • Governance: Policy, Legal Requirements, Moderation, Community Management

14:45 Implementation Model for Enterprise 2.0: The Three-Legged Stool

  • The Technology Stack
  • The Processes: Enabling Emergent Outcomes
  • The Culture: Moving Beyond Hierarchy ā€“ Influencers & Change Champions

15:45 Enterprise 2.0 Case Studies ā€“ Europe & North America
16:45 Current Enterprise 2.0 Best Practices and Lessons Learned
17:30 Questions/Closing Comments on Business Implications

You see, the agenda is packed and dense, please don’t expect too much live-blogging or -tweeting

One Response to “E20SUMMIT – Masterclass today”

  1. […] day one of the E20SUMMIT conference – after yesterday’s small circle masterclass with Dion Hinchcliffe. This means that most people will show up for the first time today, meaning […]

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