Upcoming: CloudCamp in Frankfurt

Yes, on September 28 there’s the CloudCamp Frankfurt coming up and I am planning to attend. So, while this could be a very long post about all the implications of the cloudy future for enterprise collaboration (understood as way more intricate than the use of social software like wikis et al.), I thougt it’s better to relay you to some of the interesting discussions of late. Case in point, Andrew McAfee blogged about it here (and a lot of talk follows suit).

It’s funny how indeed many people are still puzzled and looking for clean, neat and succinct definitions, yet it shows that we’re still in the early phases of adoption and changing expectations about possible (IT)-solutions iks hard. As is the case with our views on the best way to “organize organizations” (see this german language piece), well-established approaches seem to be more attractive at the outset. Yet, I would bet that the benefits cloud-based solutions provide are pulling smart companies in quickly, particularly SMBs that can live with the few downsides and for whom “good enough is just perfect”.

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