Five ways to avoid Enterprise 2.0 failure

Of course there’s risk in negation and not-moving-at-all (bear some 21 Risks in not adopting Enterprise 2.0, yes) – but there’s some business transformation execution risks as well that come with Enterprise 2.0. Sameer of Pretzel Logic (what’s up with ’em Enterprise 2.0 consultants and their funny names, frogpond, pretzel logic, what next? Jolts and Pistachios? Right …) writes up some of them, but ends on a motivational tone anyway:

If you’re planning social business design, you have it easier than your predecessors who had had to justify and drive large-scale, traditional enterprise software deployments. Today’s Enterprise 2.0 products are faster and easier to implement than ever before.

Posted via web from frogpond’s posterous

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