BarCamp Bodensee

Dieses Wochende bin ich in Friedrichshafen beim BarCamp Bodensee. Mit Webideas, Friedel und Johannes bin ich bereits gestern abend zum Get-Together angereist.

Dank der Sponsoren und der Zeppelin University konnte ein großartiger Rahmen für das BarCamp geschaffen werden – und auch das Wetter macht mit (siehe u.a. die Bilder bei flickr), so dass ich mir vorstellen kann nachher noch das Mietrad vom BodenseePeter einzusetzen.

Bisher habe ich viele interessante Gespräche geführt – aber nur wenig Sessions besucht. Allein die Session von Willi Schroll hat bisher in den Zeitplan gepasst, insofern habe ich auch nicht viel live gebloggt, sondern eher getweetet.

Meine eigene Session zum Thema Intranet-Usability (und Erfolgsfaktoren der Implementierung von “Intranet 2.0”) steht nun aber an …

Save-the-Date-Preis für das Enterprise 2.0 FORUM

Noch bis morgen ist die Anmeldung für das Enterprise 2.0 FORUM am 18.09.2008 in Köln zum ermäßigten “Frühbucherpreis” möglich, schnell noch buchen:

[…] Anhand von Best-Practices und Executive Roundtables diskutieren und erörtern Unternehmensentscheider die Herausforderungen und Potentiale beim Einsatz von Blogs, Wikis, Social Networks und anderen Web 2.0 Anwendungen im Unternehmen.

Social Software for Motivation and Involvement

Found via Bertrand Duperrin: An inspiring slideshow on the role social software inside the enterprise may play for HR and organizational culture (“Web 2.0 at work: get passionate employees”). Reflect a changing nature of work – one that places more interest on interaction“ than on information. It’s not only easy information access, it’s more “interacting with one another”. Enterprises thus need to connect the right people, identify experts (yes, by position too but probably we need more reliance on relevant activities, associations, interests etc.) and build up involvement.

Narrative approach to successful organisational change

Anecdote has published a new whitepaper (“Three journeys—A narrative approach to successful organisational change“) on their approach to organisational change:

This paper describes the approach we take with clients to successfully foster change in their organisations. It is based on our deep knowledge of both complexity and narratives, and it reflects our holistic approach in working at both systemic and personal levels to help organisations and their people move forward. Coaching is integral to our process at each step of the way and to our clients’ success in reaching their change and improvement goals. Our approach helps leaders and organisations embrace the need for change, approach it openly, prepare for it fully, and achieve the critical outcomes—whether it be a new technology, a turnaround, a new strategy or some other cause.

Upcoming: WikiWednesday Paris, International Forum on Enterprise 2.0, WikiSym, Web 2.0 Expo

I know this is on short notice, but if you’re close to Paris – WikiWednesday is due on May 21st. Can’t be there, sadly – but it’s my birthday the other day. However if you want to meetup with french wiki enthusiasts this is probably an opportunity to meet the people behind XWiki and more.

However, you might earmark the International Forum on Enterprise 2.0 at Varese on June 25th. The Forum is characterized by:

  • A 360° overview on Enterprise 2.0 business and organizative impact
  • A comprehensive exploration of Enterprise 2.0 tools and techniques: tagging, blogging, wiki, feed rss, open innovation, widgets

Equally interesting if you are into wikis, collaboration and enterprise 2.0 is WikiSym2008

The Symposium offers a rigorously reviewed research paper track, as well as plenty of space for practitioner reports, discussion of work in progress, demonstrations, tutorials, and informal but lively OpenSpace and WikiFest sessions.

Wikisym 2008 will take place from Sep 8-10, 2008 in Porto.

Then, the web 2.0 expo call for participation is open:

The 2008 edition of Web 2.0 Expo Europe will take place 21-23 October at the Berliner Congress Centrum. Want to participate in the Web 2.0 conversation at a higher level? If so, you are invited to submit a proposal now to speak at Web Expo Europe. Share your story of successes, trials and errors, best practices, and case studies with other designers, programmers, marketers, IT savvy business executives, entrepreneurs, innovators, and other people passionate about building a better Web for the whole world.