Wrapping up the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT

It’s been a splendid conference, met many of the people I was in more or less virtual contact only before.

One thing that I really want to highlight is the moderation by Simon Wardley, who also did a good roundup of the day (nice slides too, I hope I can get my hands on them). Next up there’s a question ‘n answers session, i.e. a panel with Dion, Euan and Jenny on stage.

First question: is there going to be a kind of standard (enterprise collaboration) software? Euan has doubts, stressing that BBCs systems were highly customized and evolved over a long period of time.

And then the inevitable standard question on “how do we get employees to participate”?

Yes, I know this is an important question, alas, Dion offers these ideas:
– managers are important, lead by example but also demand coherent behaviour. I side with this, nobody would use SAP etc. out of their free will, but people are still using it on a regular basis.
Euan stresses that it’s the other way round: give people tools that make their lives easier, usage will follow suit, making it feasible to reach a critical mass after that things will roll on no matter what
Jenny points out the central role of positive role models in the organization, i.e. people who can even act as opinion leaders, I think this is a good idea too, and yes, that’s one archetypical application of SNA in the enterprise …

Next up some questions on collaboration between companies, cross-industry and all. Well, yes, that’s not a particularly innovative theme, is it? I’m (also) dealing and blogging about business ecosystems, value networks and open innovation at my other blog for quite some time now, thus this fascination in parts of the audience feels a little weird.

Now up are the closing remarks by Thomas Koch from Kongressmedia, inviting everyone to the get-together. Will be there too …

One Response to “Wrapping up the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT”

  1. […] it may appease you that I’ve been able to do some very cool client projects instead, visited cool conferences and Barcamp-alike events, presented and evangelized wiki stuff and more […]

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