Videos of intro and outro @ Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT

Today, I am finally coming around to put up some reflections, collected stuff and interesting links that I noticed during CeBIT, expanding my live blogged impressions of the Enterprise 2.0 Summit.

Let me start with two videos, well slideshows with audio track that is, by Simon Wardley, who did a nice job moderating the conference. This is cool stuff, listen closely to the introductory notes:

and the closing notes, too:

3 Responses to “Videos of intro and outro @ Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT”

  1. Enterprise 2.0 Summit – Simon Wardley…

    Beim Enterprise 2.0 Summit auf der Cebit Anfang März machte Simon Wardley den Host, schaut und hört es euch mal an, er machte vollzog diese Pflicht sehr gut und unterhaltsam. Er fasste das Thema aus seiner Sicht kurz & knapp zusammen.
    Die Videos…

  2. […] 2.0 SUMMIT are now online, check them out, nice stuff and worthwhile content in there, including Simon Wardley’s […]

  3. […] 2.0 SUMMIT are now online, check them out, nice stuff and worthwhile content in there, including Simon Wardley’s […]

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