The state of Enterprise 2.0

Dion Hinchcliffe analyzes the state of Enterprise 2.0, collects some of his learnings and introduces a new visualization:

  • Enterprise 2.0 is going to happen in your organization with you or without you.
  • Effective Enterprise 2.0 seems to involve more than just blogs and wikis.
  • Enterprise 2.0 is more a state of mind than a product you can purchase.
  • Most businesses still need to educate their workers on the techniques and best practices of Enterprise 2.0 and social media.
  • The benefits of Enterprise 2.0 can be dramatic, but only builds steadily over time.
  • Enterprise 2.0 doesn’t seem to put older IT systems out of business.
  • Your organization will begin to change in new ways because of Enterprise 2.0. Be ready.


State of Enterprise 2.0

Nothing extraordinary in here, yet these are nice heuristics to play and design implementation efforts by. While these heuristics don’t make our lifes easier – changing “state of minds” is harder than experimenting with nifty tools – they can surely help in planning our adoption strategy and organizational change management efforts:

[…] to get the full benefits of the Web 2.0 era, we must begin adapting our organizations and their information and IT resources (with suitable enterprise context) to this network-oriented model […]

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