Web 2.0 is gaining traction in the corporate world …

is this really reality? Now, I’ve been collecting and compiling some serious stuff on Enterprise 2.0 and Web 2.0 adoption lately, some of them are worth pointing out … especially given a discussion I’ve had lately and that was revitalized today.

There’s this HBS Case on How Wikipedia Works (or Doesn’t) and the related discussion (“Wikipedia in Pinstripes”), that handles a lot of the adoption challenges social software has in the enterprise:

[…] Wiki is another experiment in how to generate more collaboration inside companies, but I’ve seen mixed results. It can be as simple as “We’re having an office party, please sign up on a wiki page, and tell us what you’re going to bring,” to “We’re going to run this project, bring in all your knowledge assets together, and then we can self-organize.”

What Wikipedia has shown is that self-selection is critical. Peer review is critical. So there is a challenge for firms that are used to managing employees and allocating the resources in a very top-down kind of way. Now we have a technology that enables self-selection, transparency, openness—how does a manager or management deal with the technology? Do they implement it in a way that’s true to the spirit, or is it top-down? And, again, there are some very successful examples and some not so successful examples.

From ‘lifestream’ to ‘workstream’

Via Jon Udell’s tweet: “From ‘lifestream’ to ‘workstream’ is a short conceptual leap“.

I like the concept of “streams”, social presencing and the above quote very much, yet I doubt that change management or organizational adoption of Enterprise 2.0 will profit from this nearness.

Even when the concepts are similar, these remain two separate worlds: Always-on, hyper-connected, cutting-edge knowledgeworkers are rare in the corporate setting – and there are some deep-rooted reasons for this … I don’t say that these are good or sensible reasons, but they are in effect anyway.

Microsoft Sharepoint integriert Confluence Enterprise Wiki (und RSS wird immer wichtiger)

Die interessanteste Nachricht des Tages ist die Anbindung von Confluence von Atlassian an MOSS 2007 (Microsoft Press Release) – ähnlich wie es mit der Einbindung von Socialtext in MOSS 2007-Umgebungen vorgesehen war/ist.

Zwar basiert Atlassian auf Java (J2EE), dies ist aber sicherlich kein Hindernis für diese strategische Kooperation. Der Hintergrund liegt darin, dass Anwender durchaus leistungsfähige Wikifunktionalitäten benötigen, die das bestehende SharePoint-Wiki nicht erfüllen kann. Der SharePoint Connector wird daher den bidirektionalen Informationsaustausch zwischen SharePoint und Confluence ermöglichen, bzw. die Integration der Datenbasis sicherstellen (“providing single sign-on, search, content sharing and linking between the two applications”, Dennis Howlett).

Robert Scoble hat ein Interview mit den Gründern von Atlassian gemacht, in dem diese über die neue strategische Partnerschaft mit Microsoft sprechen:

Eine gute Analyse der strategischen Hintergründe findet sich bei Richard MacManus:

This is another great example of big vendors partnering with more agile, and smarter, startups to create better Web Office functionality in their products. It’s win-win for both companies […] For Microsoft, they get a ‘best of breed’ Web Office app to beef up their hugely profitable SharePoint product.

Interessant ist auch der zweite Teil der Press Release, die Kooperation mit Newsgator, die auf die Ergänzung und Erweiterung der integrierenden (Middleware-)Funktionalitäten von RSS in SharePoint abzielt: Die NewsGator Social Sites sollen Inhalte, Menschen und Gruppen mittels RSS verbinden, Jeff Nolan von Newsgator kommentiert:

What MS is doing with Sharepoint is actually pretty cool, our Social Sites add-on brings content management and an explicit social dimension to the mix. What that means is that administrators and users can use RSS to integrate content in Sharepoint AND then connect that content to people and groups.

Tagging, clipping, sharing, and recommending bits of content is turning out to be a lot more useful that even I would have expected. I’m also constantly surprised with little things I can do, like drop my twitter feed in a widget on my Sharepoint profile page, and it’s all powered by RSS.

Treffende Analyse, RSS ist die wichtige Technologie, die den Einsatz von Social Software im Unternehmen erst lohnend macht …

1 * Update: Die Rolle von RSS wird u.a. hier bei elliptical diskutiert:

You got it right that it enhances the existing social networking functionality within SharePoint (but also WSSv3). It’s also a great solution to surface what’s going on in my organization. We have some really nice rollup views into SharePoint that help people discover other people and discover content within SharePoint. To date, most people’s answer to content discovery in organizations has been “just search for it.” But, it’s also effective to be able to grasp what’s going on organically at a quick glance.

Some crossposts from my other blog …

Lately blog readership of this blog has taken up – yet, I suspect that some of you don’t know that there’s a sister blog on business model innovation and design (BMID) that I am writing too, and that sometimes stuff is blogged there that’s related or touching on Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 or Social Software. So here you go, in reverse chronological order:

Social Networks and Organizational Pathologies …

What’s the attraction in Facebook?

Make innovation a truly open and collaborative process

Marketinginstrument Community – Wie können Marken den Nutzer beeinflussen?

Portable soziale Netzwerke

Noserub @ Barcamp München Tag 2

MIT Sloan Business Insight, with a link to an interesting article (How can companies build organizational networks that encourage innovation?)

Jumpstarting innovation (and how to leverage collaboration …)

Technology, Innovation and Organization (for complex organizational settings)

Leitfaden zum Thema Web 2.0 & E-Commerce

The Impact of Web 2.0 and Emerging Social Network Models

Designing for Flexibility

Video on how to grow wiki adoption in organizations

I am catching up with some social software related videos I bookmarked in the past few weeks, and I wanted to point out one that I really enjoyed:

Stewart Mader on the enterprise wiki: why it matters to business, use cases, and how to grow wiki adoption in organizations.

It’s a pity that the slides that he used aren’t online (Stewart?), but still it’s a good one to watch.

59 categorized pieces of knowledge management

Lucas McDonnell has revised his pieces of knowledge management into five larger buckets: Issues, Processes & Methods, Related Skills & Disciplines, Technology, and People:

59 categorized pieces of knowledge management

It’s a good thing to cluster these topics, ideas and concepts into broad categories, and this new visualization can easily serve as a starting point for deeper discussions. Now, when discussing social software related issues in the realm of knowledge management you’ll have to explore and examine all five categories, it makes small sense to prioritize or sequentialize them a priori, but the actual pilot projects must of course place its implementation efforts (and bets) on parts of this “opportunity space”.