McAfee and Davenport debate on the value of Enterprise 2.0

Dan Farber reports on the McAfee / Davenport debate he moderated, basically noting that …

[they] agreed that Enterprise 2.0 is in its infancy, but disagreed on the potential for it to transform how people work in corporations.

And this is where the trouble (and the interesting stuff) begins, so lay your hands on the transcript that John Eckman has, view the streamed video or get it as a mp4-download).

I will elaborate more on this in one of my next posts, now I’m all busy …

2 Responses to “McAfee and Davenport debate on the value of Enterprise 2.0”

  1. Davenport v. McAfee: Can we get any disagreement?…

    [Update Tuesday June 19 – the streaming video and Mp4 download are now available as well – thanks to Frogpond for the links.]
    I kicked off my Enterprise 2.0 experience this morning by attending the much ballyhood “smackdown” between Harvard…

  2. […] I finally am ready to collect some of the loose ends of the McAfee/Davenport debate and […]

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