Beyond Enterprise 2.0

Just found: Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee are interviewed in the latest edition of the MIT Sloan Management Review. “Beyond Enterprise 2.0” in a section which looks promising as well: The Future of the Web. Best of all – it’s available as a free pdf.

Nearly all businesses today are critically dependent on the Web for their everyday functioning, so it is important to stay attuned to its continuing evolution, innovation and challenges. In this special report, a variety of noted experts explore a wide range of topics pivotal to the Web’s future, from e-commerce to collaboration tools to some of the Web’s unsettling vulnerabilities.

[Crossposting into the BMID-blog]

3 Responses to “Beyond Enterprise 2.0”

  1. Anthony Andrews says:

    Please could you email me a copy of The Future of the Internet PDF as it is no longer available free online. I am a mangement student writing an assignment about Web 2.0 and its applicability for business.

    Your help would be very much appreciated.

    Kind regards,
    Anthony Andrews

  2. Mattia says:

    I’v got the same problem for my thesis as the guy above, is it possible to have a copy of the pdf?

    I would really appreciate it.

    Thanks, Mattia



    Agradecería puedas enviarme una copia a mi cuenta de e-mail de: The Future of the Web.
    Soy estudiante de ingenieria de sistemas y estoy desarrollando mi tesis sobre este tema.

    Gracias, Esperanza.

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