Crossposting again …

Yes, I am horrible at cross-posting.

Here’s what I’ve been writing over at my Business Model Innovation and Design blog over the last weeks that relates to innovation work, web 2.0 innovations and consulting:

It’s the strength of your business process versus those of your competitors

How Firms can Reap the Rewards of Innovation

APQC survey on disruptive innovation

Amazon 2.0 _ Tags, Ajax, Plogs & Wikis

Innovation in the Age of Mass Collaboration

Collaborate to innovate: Social networks and innovation

Marissa Mayer über Google

Microsoft and Software Business Models of the Future

Speziell zu Joost: Joost _ jeder ein TV-Star, … zum zweiten und Joost … zum dritten

Web 2.0-allgemein: Social Software in vier Minuten,

Web 2.0-speziell: Rewiring the Web with Pipes, Meilenstein … oder in die Röhre schaun’? und Piped and crushed …

One Response to “Crossposting again …”

  1. […] my Business Model Innovation and Design blog that are worthy of being noted in this blog as well, same procedure as […]

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