Upcoming: re:publica 2010 and Lotus JamCamp

Now, there are even more upcoming notes in the drafts – and they’re connected on many accounts. But this one’s special – it’s about the largest and most outstanding german social-web conference that is scheduled April 14-16 in Berlin, re:publica. They’re expecting up to 2500 participants this year, I will be one of them …

re:publica is a conference concerning blogs, social media and the digital society which will be taking place for the fourth time from 14 – 16 April and will be organised and hosted by newthinking communications and Spreeblick.

The program is beginning to materialize, as is one of the inter-connections I want to promote: the Lotus JamCamp which is basically kicked off at the re:publica, followed by a (geek) bus tour through Germany with parallel Online Idea Jamming and the on-site event in Stuttgart-Ehningen on April 23-24. IBM is partnering with re:publica and disclosure: I am helping IBM in organizing this, see other blog posts on the LJC.