Bookmarks for April 16th from 21:31 to 21:31

Social business pinboard links for April 16th, syndicated automagically:

Bookmarks for March 20th from 15:28 to 17:53

Social business pinboard links for March 20th, syndicated automagically:

  • The Hard Science of Teamwork – Alex "Sandy" Pentland – Harvard Business Review – patterns as a way of making sense of group behaviour (and I'd say emergent phenomena galore)

    "People should feel empowered by the idea of a science of team building, The idea that we can transmute the guess work of putting a team together into a rigorous methodology, and then continuously improve teams is exciting. Nothing will be more powerful, I believe, in eventually changing how organizations work."

  • The Architecture of a Social Business : Enterprise Irregulars – Elements of a Social Business Architecture
    – Social Media Platforms
    – External Social Business Services
    – Service Delivery
    – Social Foundation
    – Systems of Engagement
    – Systems of Record


We’re living in interesting times, huh? Stressful they are, but mostly rewarding …

written 5 minutes before hopping under the shower, then the car, then the commute, then the scheduled social circle of da day work meeting 😉