Bookmarks for April 16th from 21:31 to 21:31

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Open Source Meets Business (OSMB) – Tag 1

Heute bin ich auf Einladung von Heise Events auf dem Open Source Meets Business Kongress (OSMB) in Nürnberg (Disclaimer!). Wie im letzten Jahr werde ich Beobachtungen und Notizen hier (oder in meinem Business Model Innovation and Design Blog) veröffentlichen. Daneben wird getwittert, vorrangig aber auf dem Konferenz-Account.

OK, um was geht es heute? Open Source meets (means) Business, durchgehendes Thema der Investment Keynotes am Vormittag:

Eröffnung, Empfang und Begrüßung durch Richard Seibt, Chairman der Open Source Business Foundation

09:15 – 10:00 Uhr – Investment Keynotes I, The Future of Software – Why Open Source is the Safe Bet, Larry Augustin, Diverse, Angel Investor

10:00 – 10:30 Uhr – Investment Keynotes I – Ergebnis der Trendstudie Open Source in Unternehmen, Oliver Diedrich, heise open, Chefredakteur

10:30 – 11:00 Uhr – Investment Keynotes I – Increasing Communication Drives Cloud Computing – Open Source Makes it Work, Rafael Laguna de la Vera, Open-Xchange AG, CEO

11:30 – 12:15 Uhr – Investment Keynotes II – Collaboration Contagion – How Collaboration is Changing the Economics of Software Development, Stuart Cohen, Collaborative Software Initiative, CEO

12:15 – 13:00 Uhr – Investment Keynotes II – Open Source Stack – a Prudent Choice – Not Only – when the Economy Gets Tough, Tom Berquist, Ingres Corp., CFO

Nachmittags dann zwei Technology Keynotes, gefolgt von Workshops.

14:00 – 14:45 Uhr – Technology Keynotes I – Mozilla – How to Bring an Open Source Application into the Mainstream, John Lilly, Mozilla Corp., CEO

14:45 – 15:30 Uhr – Technology Keynotes I – Participation in a World of Choice – Open Source and Microsoft, Bryan Kirschner, Microsoft, Director Open Source Strategy

Bei den Workshops werde ich voraussichtlich zwischen den Tracks 1 und 2 hin- und herwechseln, je nach Relevanz für mein Kernarbeitsgebiet Enterprise Collaboration und Enterprise 2.0:

T01 Business Intelligence, Content Management
T03 Frameworks, Tools
T04 Infrastruktur, Security
T05 Integration, Systems Management
T06 SW-Entwicklung

WikiWednesdayStuttgart, business model innovations for Non-Profits and open-source organization principles

Yes, this is a really long title, but wait …

BarCamp Berlin 3

I am currently in my third sunday session at the BarCampBerlin 3 – and Clemens Lerche and Peter Bihr are leading an open brainstorming session on user-generated content, open source principles and more. I found about this via my post on The Web is changing the world (with Open Source organization principles) – Clemens commented and alerted me to their session.

But where’s the connection to the rest of the title? I guess it’s all about the implications (and potentials) of open source principles. And as we were discussing this (literally, well) also at the last WikiWednesday Stuttgart, e.g. innovative approaches non-profits are applying. While we started with community wiki projects, due to an interesting mixture of audience we ended at a discussion that went much farther then just discussing the potentials of social software – it touched upon business model innovations, especially structural and strategic innovations that can be employed.

So this is the idea for the next (and 7th) WikiWednesday Stuttgart: Let’s have a meeting of social entrepreneurs, innovators and social software enthusiasts and discuss this space. This must not be an incarnation and variation of SocialCamp or Social Bar, but it may well be a start to get local enthusiasts going.

One item on the agenda might be “What can we do with collaboration tools to support Non-profit work?” Well, yes, things like e.g. find experts, build up competency and “professional standing”, help our people to collaborate and communicate more easily and profoundly (all the while given that this is not coming for free but needs quite some time) …

But I guess that’s not all, so I’m thinking of inviting people like Christian Kreutz and Alex Osterwalder to do a keynote of some kind (in a very literal sense). Why do I ask them – for Christian it’s clear, he’s working in this space. And Alex? Lately he posted this:

[…] Some entrepreneurs involved in business model innovation are not only seeking for financial returns, but are also aiming at achieving social, development and environmental returns. In other words, money and fame are not their only motivators. They want to have an impact. What is interesting is that they are aiming at combining financial AND social success. These entrepreneurs try to prove that these two are not necessarily contradictory.

There are are a couple of interesting business models out there that I follow with quite some fascination. Grameen Phone is a telecom company founded by Iqbal Quadir, that has brought connectivity to rural areas in Bangladesh. What is interesting about their business model is that they partnered with the world famous micro finance institution Grameen Bank to exploit synergies.


And he did a workshop on this topic in London (“Disruptive models: The art and science of VISUAL BUSINESS MODEL DESIGN for breakthrough social innovation“) …

Making the links, i.e. how to leverage these new social software tools, new communication channels, new communities et al. in this space might be interesting for many people from Stuttgart too, like e.g. Dr. Brigitte Reiser from nonprofits-vernetzt, Thomas Becker, Cedric of course and other present and past WikiWednesday attendees.

I will coordinate the room and then announce the date via the usual channels, looking forward to this.

Termine: Seminar zu Enterprise Portals, Enterprise 2.0 Usability und mehr

Transparenz von Terminplänen ist manchmal eine gute Sache – wer mich bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen treffen möchte weiß nun wo und wann. Also, rund um verschiedene Kundentermine (die ich natürlich nicht transparent machen werde …) bin ich in nächster Zeit hier tätig:

Als erstes das Barcamp Bodensee – vom 31. Mai bis zum 01. Juni in Friedrichshafen.

Es folgen die Intranet.days vom 3.-5. Juni 2008, hier werde ich zusammen mit Michael Schuler von der Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg am ersten Konferenztag einen Vortrag mit dem Titel “Usability innovativer Intranet-Werkzeuge: Einfachheit, Schnelligkeit, Klarheit” halten.

Insbesondere freue ich mich auf die Panel-Diskussion mit allen Referenten zum Abschluss des ersten Veranstaltungstages. Aufgrund der thematischen Vielfalt ist ein spannender Tag garantiert, das ausführliche Programm der Intranet.days mit allen Uhrzeiten und Referenten ist hier zu finden.

Leider kann ich nur am ersten Konferenztag teilnehmen, das liegt an einer Terminkollision mit dem dritten Dresdner Zukunftsforum am 5. Juni – veranstaltet von der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions. Motto ist „Leben in der digitalen Welt“, unter anderem wird Don Tapscott zu dem durch „Web 2.0“ eingeleiteten Wandel zum „Unternehmen 2.0“ und Wikinomics sprechen:

Im Mittelpunkt des Zukunftsforums stehen nicht die Technik, sondern neue Möglichkeiten zum sozialen Austausch, die durch moderne Technologien entstehen. Wie verändert der Einsatz von „sozialer Software“ die Arbeitswelt? Welche neuen Möglichkeiten bietet das Web 2.0 der Unternehmensführung?

Passt sehr schön zu meinem Termin am 10. Juni in München. Hier werde ich im Auftrag von Componence und BEA Systems einen Vortrag zum Thema Enterprise 2.0 halten. Im Mittelpunkt werden Praxisberichte und Implementierungswege stehen, sprich welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten bestehen und wie Unternehmen diese Konzepte erfolgreich umsetzen können. Ich werde dabei u.a. auch eine Brücke zum Thema Geschäftmodellinnovation schlagen, d.h. deutlich machen, wie mit Enterprise 2.0 Konzepten Business- und Marketing-Ziele erreicht werden können.

Und ein Termin für die langfristige Planung, vom 26.-27. Juni findet in Kopenhagen die reboot10 statt, hoffentlich mit mir …

“[…] a community event for the practical visionaries who are at the intersection of digital technology and change all around us…

2 days a year. 500 people. A journey into the interconnectedness of creation, participation, values, openness, decentralization, collaboration, complexity, technology, p2p, humanities, connectedness and many more areas.”

Be like the Internet

OK, now I am in my first workshop at the Web 2.0 Expo. Scott Hirsch, founder of Management Innovation Group (MIG) out of San Francisco is inviting people to think about innovation issues they are facing.

[…] getting honest about the real assets you bring to the table and finding ways to work with the network instead of fighting the changes it represents. This means explicitly changing the way you work and collaborate to set direction, scope opportunity, and build capabilities to rapidly assess business changes and react to them … or choose not to react.

Unfortunately I’ve been late to the show (thanks to Berlins public traffic system …), so I missed the introductory informations. I will try to get my hands on the slides, and provide the agenda and more then.

Scott introduced the audience to the changed business environment in the Web 2.0 era, some important points being

  • You don’t own your ideas
  • It is really easy to start a business (and you don’t want to own the infrastructure)

First part of the workshop: Bottom up Innovation – A personal guide to Disrupting the World

  • Characteristics of web 2.0 innovators (don’t overcommit to solutions, don’t overplan strategy, embrace many points of view and transparency, …)
  • Traits (humble, flexible, facilitative, persuasive, collaborative, passionate, persistent – but not defensive)
  • They create cultures to manage (uncertainty, openness, leadership, management, hiring, strategy, competition, marketing, business and product development, …)

Nice thought and metaphor: “Web 2.0 innovators look at their business like a poker game, not a chess game”

– you don’t have all the information you need
– you constantly get more information from the other players
– you have to pay to play and for information
– every round there’s a new round of cards
– business case is useless, you just look at options

Nice example of Web 2.0 innovators view of strategy (comparing friendster, MySpace and Facebook) along axes of openness/closedness and awareness (also hinting at openness for evolving complementing business ecosystems)

Jotspot and Google as examples for how Web 2.0 innovators look at business models

Web 2.0 innovators view of management (opportunity cost is the scarce resource, not people, time or money), comparing Yahoo (fear of false positives) and Google (fear of false negatives).

Web 2.0 innovators view themselves as facilitators rather than managers, and encourage smart divergence over quick convergence.

Continued after the break, in fact I have blogged notes on the second part of Scott Hirschs workshop over at my BMID-blog: Uncovering Strategies and Business Models

What is OpenSocial? Yes, it’s a business model innovation

There’s a myriad of posts on OpenSocial already and I know that I’m a latecomer to the party. Yet I will try to put down some observations and notes, if only because this has rattled the plans for my planned BarCamp session this weekend. I have to update my slide deck now, thanks Google. OK, most of the stuff I’ve written before remains valid and/or got valified through this move (see e.g. Portable soziale Netzwerke, and my post on NoseRub, german posts also touching on big hairy questions like privacy of data).

Some observations from a strategic / business point of view:

  • Google is proposing an open approach with the goal of integrating a variety of networks – they are not building up yet another social network. This is a platform approach, not a product or services innovation.
  • And this is also a cool business model innovation move – Google is opening up the social networking space to the many developers outside with a standard platform, i.e. they have learned the Facebook lesson and expanded on it – turning the table for Facebook in effect. Now who’s leading the charge in the web OS game …
  • Google understands that there’s more value to be gained from a shared ecosystem and from the long tail of distributed communities, than from a walled garden even if it’s big. There’s no need for an one and for all über-network, but for an easy way to integrate the many existing social networking sites (and communities of people in fact).

Nice before/after picture:


Some snippets (via Richard MacManus, …):

OpenSocial is not a social network itself, rather it is a set of three common APIs that allow developers to access the following core functions and information at social networks:

* Profile Information (user data)
* Friends Information (social graph)
* Activities (things that happen, News Feed type stuff)

For developers there are lots of benefits. They can build an app that easily works across all the OpenSocial partners. And they can use normal HTML, Javascript and Flash – instead of the proprietary languages Facebook forces developers to use.

You may also check out the Google guys view on all this, here at the all new OpenSocial API blog (“The web is better when it’s social“)

Then, for those with more time on their hands there’s also this one-hour explanatory video:

And here’s a little video by Marc Andreesen of Ning explaining the concept of container and apps:

Find more screencasts like this on Ning Network Creators

Interested in more analyses? Go visit Techmeme and bring lots of time. Or take my short list of cool posts, starting with Jeremiah Owyang of Forrester (“Explaining OpenSocial to your Executives”), this is a good short status report, short excerpt:

What is Open Social?

Google says: “OpenSocial provides a common set of APIs for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps that access a social network’s friends and update feeds.”

Translation: Social Networks, and other websites (we can call them platforms or containers) can let mini-websites (applications or widgets) to be shared and interact with existing online communities (social networks, social graphs, communities).

Jeremiah also expands on the opportunities this offers, namely in the community building space (Efficient development, harness existing communities, open standards help long term, your existing applications become social, future brings social to your website). Recommended analysis, gets you up to speed quick.

Then there’s Anil Dash of Six Apart (“OpenSocial, Killer Apps and Regular People”), on why the opened social graph can help people in their networked lifes:

This gives regular people on the web more control over the social networks and applications they use.

Interesting times ahead.

Some crossposts from my other blog …

Lately blog readership of this blog has taken up – yet, I suspect that some of you don’t know that there’s a sister blog on business model innovation and design (BMID) that I am writing too, and that sometimes stuff is blogged there that’s related or touching on Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 or Social Software. So here you go, in reverse chronological order:

Social Networks and Organizational Pathologies …

What’s the attraction in Facebook?

Make innovation a truly open and collaborative process

Marketinginstrument Community – Wie können Marken den Nutzer beeinflussen?

Portable soziale Netzwerke

Noserub @ Barcamp München Tag 2

MIT Sloan Business Insight, with a link to an interesting article (How can companies build organizational networks that encourage innovation?)

Jumpstarting innovation (and how to leverage collaboration …)

Technology, Innovation and Organization (for complex organizational settings)

Leitfaden zum Thema Web 2.0 & E-Commerce

The Impact of Web 2.0 and Emerging Social Network Models

Designing for Flexibility