Bookmarks for April 29th through June 12th

These are my links for April 29th through June 12th:

  • Digital Blog » Führungskräfte entdecken soziale Netzwerke – Offenbar konzentrieren sich Manager gern auf eine einzige soziale Plattform: In allen drei Netzen Twitter, Facebook und LinkedIn sind nur 18 Prozent der Befragten vertreten. Mit dem Engagement wächst auch die Bedeutung von Social Media für Führungskräfte: 78 Prozent der Teilnehmer waren zum Umfragezeitpunkt der Meinung, dass eine Strategie für Social Business wichtig für die Zukunft ihres Unternehmens sei.
  • The Seven Cs of Social Learning: How Social Learning Technologies Can Meet Today’s Business Challenges – So, in the updated model, there are Seven Cs of social technologies: Content – in the forms of knowledge-based assets, experiences and expertise – this is where it all starts. Consumption – of content, as in usable, reference-able, searchable, tag-able and reusable. Contribution – of content that can and should be user-generated. Conversation – about content – it’s what makes it socially relevant to the business. Collaboration – with others over content – it’s goal oriented and how we get things done socially. Connections – made with others regarding content. In competitive business, it’s not just what you know, but who you know. Once connections are made, vicarious reinforcement follows. Control  –  this  is  the  most  important  and  relevant  “C”  enterprises are dealing with today. Social learning technologies should enable customers to govern the continuum of openness and control as it applies to their business. Social technologies should enable providers and users to navigate the Seven Cs while remaining meaningful to the workflow of the business.
  • 10 echte Thesen zur Zukunft von Social Media – The Missing Manual für die BVDW-Thesen zu Social Media | Von Kai Heddergott | Kommunikation – zweinull – Social Media ist ständiges ausprobieren: Social Media ist – einmal gestartet – ein kontinuierlicher, zyklischer Prozess, der immer wieder auf Tauglichkeit geprüft und gegebenenfalls angepasst werden muss. Social Media ist keine einmalige Angelegenheit.
  • Increase Teamwork Through Better Office Design | Conspire: A Mindjet Publication – Collaborating is challenging enough without having to work in an underperforming work environment. It’s time to step back and take a look at how your workspace is performing and make the necessary adjustments so that it is less obstacle for you and your team to overcome.

Bookmarks for April 21st from 12:35 to 12:50

Social business pinboard links for April 21st, syndicated automagically:

  • Irving Wladawsky-Berger: Design Principles for Complex, Unpredictable, People Oriented Systems – I found the best explanation for the growing importance of design in a short, elegant article in The Economist, Design Takes Over, by Paola Antonelli, senior curator for architecture and design at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. “There are still people who believe that design is just about making things, people and places pretty.  In truth, design has spread like gas to almost all facets of human activity, from science and education to politics and policymaking.  For a simple reason: one of design’s most fundamental tasks is to help people deal with change.” “Designers stand between revolutions and everyday life.  When the internet happened, they created interfaces with buttons and hyperlinks that enabled us all to use it.  Designers make disruptive innovations manageable and approachable, so that they can be embraced and assimilated into life.  And they never forget functionality and elegance. . . Design is moving centre-stage in the eternal human quest to make beauty out of necessity.” Design principles are particularly applicable to problems that are socio-technical in nature, that is, they involve people and technology, having to deal both with complex technical, business and societal infrastructures and human behaviors.  They are critical for dealing with the Grand Challenge problems we are facing in the 21st century, including health care, urbanization, education, energy, finance, and job creation.   What do we mean by applying design principles to complex, unpredictable, people oriented systems and problems?  Let me discuss three such principles based on my personal experiences.
  • Innovating User Value – The Interrelations of Business Model Innovation, (Service) Design Thinking and the Production of Meaning | Service Design Network – Abstract
    We live in a hyper-competitive world, where whole industries either shift towards services or become obsolete due to new market entrants, technologies or even social practices. A world, where permanent interactions with customers, fast time-to-market, and the ability to innovate »right« (e.g. the right thing or value) are the key to corporate success. On that score the business sphere isn’t getting tired of emphasising the need for strategic innovation (which means »creating superior customer value«, business model innovations or even the disruption and creation of new markets). This paper uncovers some of the often overlooked links of design (design thinking, design-driven innovation and service design) to strategic innovation through the lens of »customer value«. It will do so by …   Disenchanting the big corporate rhetoric on above claims by showing that prevailing and too one-sided understandings of strategy and innovation, rather reinforce than escape old industry paradigms.   Examining designs still undervalued contributions to strategy-making by approaching business challenges with a user/value-centric and radical service logic.   Showing that every dimension of strategic innovation culminates in the concept of perceived user value and meaning, which gets reviewed in detail (dimensions, forms, properties), especially with regards to constructing value propositions.   Arguing that the current service design and business model innovation discourses cannot be negotiated separately, as they may be good methodological complements.   So when speaking about the innovation of value for the customer, the paper argues, the above stated and seemingly separated fields intersect. Therefore their most apparent systemic connections and the facilitation of value creation by design are outlined and discussed.

Bookmarks for April 19th from 15:44 to 17:05

Social business pinboard links for April 19th, syndicated automagically:

  • Die Corporate-IT-Abteilung von Amazon stellt SharePoint 2010 in der AWS-Cloud bereit – Die Corporate-IT-Abteilung von Amazon stellte ihre äußerst geschäftskritische IT-Anwendung, das unternehmenseigene Intranet, in der AWS-Cloud bereit. In dem Whitepaper werden die Bereitstellungskriterien, die Sicherheitsanforderungen, die Architektur und die Implementierung der betriebsnotwendigen Anwendung erläutert. Es wird nicht nur beleuchtet, wie sich die Abteilung die Sicherheitsfunktionen von AWS und Microsoft SharePoint 2010 (und Microsoft SQL Server 2008) zu Nutze machen und eine Anwendung, die überaus vertrauliche Daten beinhaltet, bereitstellen konnte, sondern auch offen und ehrlich dargelegt, welche Lehren daraus gezogen werden konnten.
  • Three Principles for Net Work | Harold Jarche – Conclusion These three simple principles of narration, transparency and shared power should provide enough guidance to motivated leaders in an organization. Implementation depends on the specific context of each organization and the ability to keep things in what I call, “perpetual Beta”. Power-sharing and transparency enable work to move out to the edges and away from the comfortable, complicated work that has been the corporate mainstay for decades. There is nothing left in the safe inner parts of the company anyway, as it is being automated and outsourced. The high-value work today is in facing complexity, not in addressing problems that have already been solved and for which a formulaic or standardized response has been developed. One challenge for organizations is getting people to realize that what they already know has increasingly diminishing value. How to learn and solve problems together is becoming the real business advantage.
  • Alexander Stockers Weblog zu Web 2.0 für Unternehmen: Erfolgsmessung von Social Media – Die Frage ist (für mich) immer, was kann überhaupt gemessen werden – und was nicht.
    Sind denn vielleicht gerade die nicht messbaren Effekte jene, die den meisten Nutzen für das Unternehmen bringen.
    Eine einheitliche Aussage zur Erfolgsmessung gibt es nicht und wird es niemals geben – denn die Ziele sind zu individuell und die Parteien zu interdisziplinär.

    Ich selbst stelle mich aber grundsätzlich auf die Seite der Befürworter der Erfolgsmessung – denn wer nicht misst, der kann sich und andere nicht verbessern. Dennoch gebe auch ich zu bedenken, dass man nicht jeden Effekt zu jeder Zeit messen kann. In Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise befürchte ich daher, dass viele gute Projekte daran scheitern werden, wenn ROI-fokussierte Entscheider diese gleich verhindern bzw. laufende Projekte abdrehen

I agree with the starting question, but not with the gist of the rest of the pos…

I agree with the starting question, but not with the gist of the rest of the post

(too many question marks, for one)

((too radical in a way, and it does not help to alleviate that problem by pushing emotional intelligence))

So, all in all, a quick but disturbing read.

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Collaboration is about humans, not technology
How important do you think new technologies, platforms, and tools are for collaboration? I would say that they are the fuel that enhances it, but the core -the essential raw material- that we need for…

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Bookmarks for April 18th from 21:27 to 21:42

Social business pinboard links for April 18th, syndicated automagically:

  • The Network Singularity: Organization Networks – Rather unbelievable how limited network comprehension is and how slow people gain a network mindset. it is a real problem. Changing the org chart, moving the nodes and connections, in an effort to improve performance, is primitive org/social network analysis (SNA). People are often dismissive of the org chart. However, organizational hub and spoke network configurations are critical for continuity, resource allocation, governance and so forth. Org charts are often the formal networks of the organization.
  • Get Your Team to Work Across Organizational Boundaries – Brad Power – Harvard Business Review – A social media platform like Handshake or a three-day process workshop are just tools to help build and maintain teams that work across organizational boundaries. These tools need to be complemented by new behaviors of the CEO and C-Suite, shared objectives and measures, and a governance structure and management processes to implement changes together and monitor and celebrate progress. These institutional changes are huge. Yet, as shown in the MITRE and patient journey examples, the best way to compete is to get everyone working together across boundaries to solve customer problems. Question: What experience have you had in building teamwork across organizational boundaries?
  • AIIM2012 Clay Shirky Keynote | Collaborative Planning & Social Business – The title of his talk was “To Make Sense of Data, First Make Sense of People“. His central theme is that for a business, knowledge management is not purely knowledge management, and is becoming more & more associated with people management.  Change is getting messier, more human, and more social.  New tools and techniques are needed, and are becoming available for problem solving.
  • AIIM2102 Dion Hinchcliffe Keynote | Collaborative Planning & Social Business – Dion Hinchcliffe has been a luminary in the social technology space, however with this talk “Mobility First: New Opportunities” he has shifted into being an evangelist for mobile computing.  For a very good reason: the shift to mobile computing is the most dramatic technology transition in history.  Ever.   What follows are my notes from the talk.

Bookmarks for April 16th from 21:31 to 21:31

Social business pinboard links for April 16th, syndicated automagically: